MI hijo perruno/my doggy son ESP/ENG

in Hive Pets3 years ago



  • Hello Hive Community and pet lovers!
    I bring you the story of Dante, the pet that changed our lives.
    We love him like a son ❤️! pet lovers will understand us when we say this.
    He came at a very sad time in our lives, after a great loss in our family, which we still struggle to overcome.
    At that moment of infinite sadness, a friend phoned me and told me that his dog had had puppies and that he was looking for reliable people, who love animals and have the responsibility to take care of him always.
    At that moment we hesitated, we felt that our spirit was not ready, that it was not the right moment.
    But the next day, without anyone discovering me, I went to my friend's house.
    When I arrived I was greeted by two dogs (our Dante's parents!), behind them a pack of puppies, they were chasing their mother because they were hungry😍. Their mother was no longer breastfeeding them, but they wanted milk at all costs.
    When they all went to eat, I noticed that one of the puppies was next to me sniffing my shoes, I looked at him and it was love at first sight, I couldn't help it.
    Without wasting any time, after a long chat I decided to go back home, but this time I wasn't going back alone, an angel was accompanying me.

Hola Comunidad Hive y amantes de las mascotas!
Les traigo la historia de Dante, la mascota que nos cambió la vida.
Lo amamos como un hijo ❤️! los amantes de las mascotas podrán comprendernos cuando decimos esto.
Llegó en un momento muy triste en nuestras vidas, después de una gran perdida en nuestra familia, la cual todavía nos cuesta superar.
En ese momento de tristeza infinita , un amigo me llama por teléfono, me comunica que su perra había tenido cachorros y que estaba buscando personas de confianza, que amen los animales y tengan la responsabilidad de cuidarlo siempre.
En ese momento dudamos, sentíamos que nuestro espíritu no estaba preparado, que no era el momento adecuado.
Pero al otro dia, sin que nadie me descubra, me dirigí a la casa de mi amigo.
Cuando llego me reciben dos perros (los padres de nuestro Dante!), detrás de ellos una jauría de cachorros!, ellos estaban persiguiendo a su madre por que tenían hambre😍. Ya su madre no los amamantaba, pero ellos querían leche a toda costa.
Cuando todos se fueron a comer, noto que uno de los cachorros quedó a mi lado olfateando mis zapatos, lo miré y fue amor a primera vista, no pude evitarlo.
Sin perder tiempo, luego de una extensa charla decidí volver a casa, pero esta vez no volvía solo, un ángel me acompañaba.


  • We arrived home in silence, my wife was in the bedroom, Dante didn't want to move forward, it was all new to him. When my wife looked at him his face transformed, a huge happiness invaded his soul and from that moment everything changed for our family.
    We put him on our bed and he never got off, these are his first pictures 🤗

Llegamos a casa en silencio, mi esposa estaba en el dormitorio, Dante no quería avanzar, era todo nuevo para el. Cuando mi esposa lo miró su cara se transformó, una enorme felicidad invadió su alma y desde ese momento todo cambió para nuestra familia.
Lo subimos a nuestra cama y nunca se bajó de ella, estas son sus primeras fotos 🤗


FB_IMG_1488296599664.jpg [ A good nap is always a good thing/Siempre es bueno una buena siesta]

FB_IMG_1488296562930.jpg [Argentine customs/costumbres Argentinas]


FB_IMG_14882965002.jpg[He never liked his bed, in a few days he destroyed it/Nunca le gusto su cama, en pocos días la destruyó]

FB_IMG_1488296520277.jpg[He loves to sleep with us, so he hated his bed/ Le encanta dormir con nosotros, por eso odiaba su cama 😍]

  • He is very friendly and is the sweetest dog I ever had. I hope you enjoyed meeting him, I will be uploading stories where you will see him grow up and do lots of mischief.

Es muy compañero y es el perro mas dulce que tuve. Espero les haya gustado conocerlo, estaré subiendo historias donde lo verán crecer y hacer muchas travesuras.

Todas las fotos son de mi autoria/all pictures are my own


Sometimes after a great loss comes new beginnings. I am glad to know that this puppy filled their lives with love in a time of difficulty. Welcome to the community!

Thank you very much for your words, I will continue to upload content of our doggy son. Thank you and greetings from Argentina.

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