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RE: Alone

in Hive Pets3 years ago

I saw that. It's so sad losing a pet, heartbreaking really. They come to mean so much. I'm sorry Mr. Gin is gone but, like me with Merlin, you'd have so many memories to keep you comfort. I've seen a lot of death Marike, but losing pets never gets easier.

Maybe Mr. Gin and Merlin are somewhere now, hanging out and getting acquainted, sitting around telling stories about their lives like the Vikings did in Valhalla.

That would be cool right?


That's such a lovely image, Galen - and one that has me smiling. Yes, we have lovely memories about the favourite places he liked to sun himself, about the way he liked to sit on the rubbish bin in the kitchen like it was this throne, and the way almost everyone who met him remarked on what an unusually friendly and d-g-like cat he was.

I'm glad Merlin did not have to suffer more. Slightly torn & conflicted over the whole animal-euthanasia idea - it's not done here AT ALL - but watching Mr Gin fight for his breath those last 20 mins I would have liked to make it easier.

Perhaps he and Merlin are kicking back with a plate of sardines somewhere discussing the merits of both choices and whether it really does enable a higher rebirth. Hmmmm....

Hugs and love to you in your time of loss - no, it never gets easier.

Hmm, yeah that whole thing huh? I don't know, I personally would not have wanted Merlin to suffer any longer. Dixie, one of my other cats suffered as she was kicked by a house guest, you may recall. I spent thousands trying to make her better but in the end she died, I'd imagine in pain too. At home at least though. It was horrific.

I understand there's two sides of it...But for me...Well, I'd want someone to put me down I guess, if I was suffering. So, I did so with Merlin, and Gemmi before him. It was heartwrenchingly difficult but seeing them suffer was just as bad.

Merlin and Mr. Gin are kicking back plotting their next adventure right now... Catching the ladies' eyes and generally being the cool Cates they are...They'll be back for another turn on the wheel and probably hoping they'll be pampered and loved cats again.