About my volunteer work

in Hive Pets3 years ago

Hello! My name is Victoria. In my introduction post, I wrote that I am volunteering. And I decided to write about it in more detail in the community that specializes in animals. It will be quite a long text, in some places, you will want to cry. Sometimes from happiness, and sometimes from sadness. However, I want to write about it.


I have loved animals since my earliest childhood. Thank you for such an upbringing to my parents. So as a child, I spent my pocket money not on ice cream or movies, but on buying food for stray animals. Later I grew up and have been doing it seriously for 10 years.

I have never counted how many animals I found and rescued by being in the right place at the right time. And who was that very first animal, I also don’t remember. The cases were completely different.


Among my charges, there are both ordinary cats and dogs, as well as purebred animals. Some were born homeless, while others were kicked out by people. Someone because of illness, and someone because of the fact that they began to interfere. Well, you know, when it turned out that the dog can bark and it turned out to be a surprise for the "owner", so having played enough, he just put the dog out on the street. And that's all.

There are, of course, other situations when the owners of the animals died. Each case is individual, but help is needed in each case. Unfortunately, there are many animals and very few volunteers.


The most memorable story of my life is trying to find a new home for blind cats. And you know what? I found him. At the same time, one of the cats went to live in Switzerland! And this is almost 2000 kilometres.

I live in Odessa and decided to take responsibility for the tourist area of the city - Arcadia. This is a place near the sea and there are not many permanent residents, because here the main income is from tourists. This means that there are only hotels and many rented apartments around.

For example, the area where I live is more adapted to street cats and dogs. Here in every yard, you can find houses for cats and food. And in Arcadia there was a problem of a universal scale.


The state of the animals on the coast a few years ago, what I faced is terrible to remember. Sick, hungry, a huge number of kittens. Step by step I sterilized cats. I sent those who needed treatment to veterinary clinics. She treated someone for her own money, others were paid for by caring residents of the city, and the rest were independently treated by representatives of the clinic.

Here are some of the stories of my charges:
Dog Foxy (Fox Terrier) - an elderly, blind dog, was found in the month of December last year. Foxy had cancer besides all the problems. After I found her, the dog lived for half a year. But I am glad that she did not die on the street, but was enveloped in love.


Ryzhulya's cat - suffered from human cruelty. The owners threw her in the street, and after a while, they fired at the cat for fun with a pneumatic gun. Ryzhulya, after taking a bullet from her spine, could no longer move on her hind legs. She became disabled. For 5 years after the injury, Ryzhulya lived on overexposure with medical care. Last year Ryzhuli was gone.

Cat Millie, once lived in Arcadia. But she got a spinal injury through the fault of a man. After the course of treatment, she retained the ability to walk, but there are some difficulties in her health. Lives on overexposure with medical care.

At such moments, you understand that despite the cruel people, there are those in our world who appreciate the lives of others. Even more faith in humanity is inspired by the fact that every day I have helpers to come to Arcadia and feed the animals! And every day there are people who pay for food and, if necessary, for treatment. And also many take these animals to their home.


But, already on December 2. Snow will fall soon, frost will begin and I am insanely scared for all the animals that are on the street. That's why I started this blog to get at least moral support from people.


Video confirmation of how I feed stray cats in winter

I have a dream. Build a large animal shelter on the outskirts of the city. Who knows, maybe Hive will help me with this? )


From time to time I will publish stories of animals that I take care of. Not for my own benefit, but in order to somehow add money from my blog to feed or treat these animals.

All photos show animals I care about


Hello! Thank you for sharing the story of how you help animals!

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I am really happy to see other people doing this. There are very few things in life that are as rewarding as helping animals. I think you and I are the same in this regard. I don't make very much money in the work that I do but that is ok because the work is its own reward!

Te felicito amigo por tu labor es grato saber que existen personas con gran calidad humana.