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RE: Call to Action! Which crypto has the best community?

in HivePosh3 years ago

Hive has issues with conspiracy theories, tinfoil imbeciles, downvoters and haters, straight out racists….

I love Hive and believe in it’s future, my money is here where my thought is, but we are very far from having a good community….


You're describing decentralization, you don't have to accept those parts of it, but it's better for them to exist than to be silenced. That's where they start silencing in web2 but then they don't stop there.

I support decentralization, but by itself it does not make it a great community.

You can have toxic speech in a decentralized community.

There is an exchange we all made when we invested (time and/or money) on Hive, we accepted freedom of speech in exchange for quality.

Right now we still have a long way to go to become a great community, let alone the best.

You're painting community with a too big of a brush, just cause you got in conflict with a tiny percentage of the users of this network you're saying the community isn't great. Doesn't make any sense, mate.

All posts from his account are usually toxic or hate speech. Downvoted many times by downvote trials. I am tired of his sponsor ads on ecency and requests to vote him to run nodes.

Edit: its my opinion and on hive idiots like him can downvote if they see opinion being shared not matching there own narrow ideas.

I was downvoted by a racist downvote trail because I posted about the method I use to study Chinese Mandarim.

Don’t talk what you don’t know about.

I dont downvoted your comments or post anytime although i am annoyed by yours ecency points ads. You have no right to downvote me too. I just shared my opinion that i dont like you. Be more mature next time.

@phusionphil brother need a hand! Look who is talking. They think there opinion is opinion and our opinion is hate speech. He downvoted my comment because i think he is immature. Can you join the party to double the fun?

You literally said ALL posts from my account are toxic or hate speech.

I say you are lying and being defamatory. Mention the posts and where/how I have been toxic or spread hate on them.

You can downvote whatever you want. I will not in middle of a discussion. You exactly know how to turn a constructive discussion into a downvote. GOOD Bye immature hive user

Yes i think your posts are toxic and that my opinion. Even your comments are toxic and thats just a opinion. You have to be more mature to understand whats an opinion and allegation means.

You should consider it my opinion and not a fact. I am not a journalist after all. If someone says you are mad then do you think you r mad? Its there opinion so move on

So you are spread fake news and defamation. In your opinion you are just sharing your ideas and because you are not a journalist it is fair and you are not wrong. I am not a journalist either. What in your mind makes it seem that right that you can spread fake news and defamations as your “opinion”, but I can not post about my stuff?

Just explain your train of thought.

Lol I actually stopped involving myself with this individual because I assumed they are a child after reflecting on a few things.

Lol they misconstrued a war treaty role play with a death threat...

I said, I will either have to pay you, or kill you for this assault on my character. That's a misquote, I can't event find the thread atm.

I thought I was using dark satire to mend the ties that bind, but I am a murderer lol

I read all those comments and then I supported to that day. I don't understand much as a non native English speaker but one thing was clear. This user is a drama king and takes everything too seriously and don't respect individuals and thinks he is above all.


Well,so is the world in general! But I think things are changing, we have a lot of good leaders on hive and I think that's important for the community.
As our reputation suggest ,you've contributed more than me but from my little view, I think this community isn't far anymore.

Hive will evolve and I have invested time and money in it because I believe it can become great.
Mto me we are far from great, and far from being the best.

When we get there I will proudly say so.

There is an exchange when we chose freedom of speech over quality. Devs, leaders and users are currently working that out through communities (as an example)

So you love Hive, but not the community?

I like Hive, as I said, I have to like to invest. The community has some good people, some good entrepreneurs and some good communities.

But it is far from great and far from the best. I believe it will evolve, but a period of struggle against bad people will be between now and greatness.

You can't get rid of them on Hive. That's kind of the point. This "struggle" is kind of like pissing into the wind. Best to just avoid them.

You're describing every single social network - and society - to have ever existed and that will exist. Just because those people exist and are on the network does not necessarily make them part of "The Community". The best part of Hive is that you can build your own community using the Community feature and bump people that are antithetical to your goals and community out. Also, they can be muted.