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RE: Rainbow painting using cotton buds (ear sticks) 🌈🌈🌈 - DIY Tool for Rainbow Painting

in Home Edders3 years ago

Too funny and cute! Our son is a rule bender for sure. If I tell him one more book to read he picks two or three. I tell him no, definitely one and he cries for more. It’s not bad in that situation but at the expense of my sleep hahah. He’s destructive but I don’t mind in many regards, he’s stuck in a smaller condo with us so he finds ways to entertain himself which o can’t blame him. Thankfully nothing too expensive but I don’t want to jinx it lol


Ohhh the thing with the's same for us! "One more mommy, one more book!" he says. ..... one more story and so on!
I think that's a good attitude! I am also permisive in a lot of things. But I'm sure we, as parents know when/if to draw the line right?