At the Patch

in Home Edders3 years ago


Last week we went to a pumpkin patch with our homeschool Co-op for one of our Fall field trips. It was so much fun and there was tons to do. It was pretty brisk and windy outside but we didn’t let that stop us from having a good time.

I was actually glad the sun wasn’t out too much. It helped keep the bees at bay and I was able to focus on enjoying the people around me and watch the kids have a blast 😁.

I’ll mainly be sharing the different types of pumpkins we saw and the ones we picked out. In order to keep the privacy of the Co-op members I won’t be able to share the activities we partook in.

There is one exception to that. I will start by sharing the corn pit my two youngest really enjoyed. We were picking up kernels of corn around our house for days after this lol.


There was so much corn. I was tempted to get in with them but decided to just watch them swim, dive and roll in it haha.

Each of our kids were able to take a pumpkin home but they also had tons for sale too.



Until you’ve visited a pumpkin patch you don’t realize how many different kinds of pumpkins there really are. There were so many different sizes, shapes and colors of them. After our visit I was reading that there are over 150 different species of pumpkin plants and hundreds of different varieties of each. 😲

Inside the actual pumpkin patch there were so many to choose from. We learned that the pumpkins we got to take home were one of the sweetest kinds that are best for cooking pies. They are called sugar pumpkins or sugar pie pumpkins.

Here are my three oldest holding and of course comparing their sugar pumpkins. They each wanted to pick out the biggest one. They even compared sizes to their friends’ pumpkins and kept switching if someone had a larger one than theirs 😄…


It was pretty easy getting a pumpkin off of it’s vine. All you had to do was grab hold of it and give it a twist and off it came.

Here are some photos of pumpkins on their vines.


I was really mesmerized by the white ones. I thought they were so pretty. I wanted one of the kids to pick one but we stuck with the sweet ones since we plan on cooking with ours.

We’re going to make some cinnamon sugar pumpkin donuts and maybe some pumpkin muffins. 😋


Some of the group were choosing the most peculiar looking ones for decoration…


Lastly we took some photos of this overhead fence that had all kinds of little pumpkins growing through it. I thought it would make for cool photography. I hope you enjoy. 😊






We just ordered our donut pan that holds 20. I’ll be sure to share some photos of the baking process and the end results of how they turn out. 😃

It was a really fun field trip. It’s been great having a group to connect to and being able to do these sorts of activities with.

My kiddos have gained so many new friends and we’ve been having quite a few play dates. I myself have gained new friendships with other homeschooling moms that have the same goals. It makes your journey much easier when you are surrounded by other likeminded individuals that you can gain ideas from.

Joining this Co-op has also given me a mental relief. I am not the only one teaching my children now. It’s a lot less work on me at home since they are learning science, history and writing in their classes.

My job is to print out their assigned work and assist them as needed. The work is already figured out and given to them so I don’t have to do that part. This has given me more time to focus on my younger kiddos and I love it.

Big props and thanks to my husband who took most (I did snap a few 😆) of these photos with our Cannon EOS Rebel T6.

Thanks for coming through! I hope you enjoyed the photos!


I think the kids like freaking us out by finding the strangest-looking one! I love group activities and this was so fun to watch from the sidelines. Pumpkin patches are so much fun. Ours didn't have the corn this year.

"You know, COVID," she whispered to me. "Ohhh! Good to know" I whispered back.

I love how they let them grow hanging down, save on space and they don't rot. So very cool. I had a neighbor that did that. He was Norweigan and I learned so much about growing food from him. Which kid got the largest sugar pumpkin? :) I never realized how many pumpkins there were either, except there is also the fact that they keep cross-pollinating for new ones every year. I keep seeing ones I have never seen before!

I am so glad you joined the Co-Op. I really am. I was stressed wondering if I was doing "well enough" or was there going to be holes in the way I taught. I don't care how good you are, you are seriously delusional if you don't think those things. Especially going it alone. Anyway, I told you a bit about my experience and I think they really work hard as a team especially since the goal is much the same, plus, my kids had built-in friends. It was so nice. Anyway, it seems like it is working out for you and I am ecstatic for you! And your husband. After all, who do you think is affected when you are overwhelmed with work?

Looking forward to seeing those pumpkin desserts!

Yay I'm glad you had fun reading the post. Haha yes, they enjoyed finding the weirdest looking ones.

It was so cool looking at those pumpkins hanging down like that. Oh yes I didn’t think about them not rotting, good point!

My eldest daughter ended up winning the biggest pumpkin award!! 😄

there is also the fact that they keep cross-pollinating for new ones every year

I didn’t think about this either. Makes sense why there are so many different colors and varieties.

YES! I love the built in friend part about this co-op. We have been praying for families to connect with and now we have them surrounding us. 😊

Thank you so much. It was really a great decision for our family as it has really helped in a lot of ways. It has also helped me be more accountable in a sense of staying organized and making sure the kiddos get their work done and turned in to their teachers on time.

Thanks for always leaving the best comments an author could hope to read ~ 💓

Woo-hoo! Being first is so important some days and as long as it is healthy competition, fun, fun, fun!

The built-in friendships are some of the best friends my kids have ever made. Even now, at college? They are still friends with these kids, even as they are flung out all over the world. You will never regret your decision, even if your path changes from this.

I agree with the accountability aspect of it. When I started homeschooling, I was appalled that the State didn't even want to know what I would be teaching my kids, before it became so mainstream. Who would be telling me if I was doing well or failing miserably? I eventually (actually, very quickly) found my way to Standardized Testing to see where we stood and other measuring sticks. This brings me to this Program that I loved! You may also if it has not been introduced to your group yet.

I always love your posts and your follow-up comments. You are truly one of the most genuine and engaging people on the platform. Thank you so much and have a most blessed day.

Yes!! I love a healthy and fun competition!

That is so encouraging knowing that even now at the college age your kids are still friends with the ones they met and schooled with long ago. I am really hoping this works out the same for mine. 😍

I have never heard of this. Thank you so much for the link I will definitely be reading through this!!

🥰🥰🥰🤗🤗🤗 No Stop! You are making me all mushy over here. ☺️☺️☺️
Thank you so much. It’s a mutual feeling for sure ~ ❤️

My daughter and her friend go to the same college, so that was really fun. They still call/video chat with the others and because we all have moved around with the Government, nobody is left behind. We all move. So, more of a challenge, but, honestly, we have crossed paths again and again, so that has been kind of exciting.

As for the Congressional program, it is a pretty fun program! I think it would be worth introducing it (if it has not been already) to your co-op and some of them can work together. We have some Gold and Silver members here in the household. :) When you get Gold, you go to Washington, DC, and your award is presented at the Gold Medal Ceremony! It was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Here are some things to look forward to:

Awwww You are the best! ❤️

OMG! There are so many of them..I never had a chance to visit any such patch...but yes we do grow in our garden. While the green and little skinny colours grows more...and we enjoy making some recipe out of them

Haha yes they were everywhere and just so many kinds to see! This was only my family’s second time at a pumpkin patch. I think we will start going yearly since all of my kiddos are at an age they can really enjoy themselves.

So cool! I hope we enjoy making things as well. This will be our first time cooking with pumpkin. 😊😋

Thanks for the visit ~

First of all, the photography is totally mind-blowing. It's neat and clear. It gives more highlights with the focus subject shot. I enjoy reading and thank you for sharing this in the community.

Wow thank you for such a nice compliment on the photos! I love color and I try my best to make the photos reflect the vibrancy and brightness of colors that we actually see in person.

Thanks so much for stopping by ~

You're welcome

The image where someone is inside the corn caused me a bit of grace, because it gives me a lot of contact allergy on the skin ... great harvest

Thanks for checking out my post. Yea if my kiddos had any type of skin sensitivities or allergies we definitely wouldn't let them dive into something like that. Thankfully they are all good and can enjoy things like this.

Such an interesting place to visit especially the overhead fence, it looks colorful and divine and am also just seeing this numerous species and color of pumpkin for the first time.
I have seen women use the shell here for making cooking pots and our traditional dishes for eating food.

here is how we also use it as a musical instrument

images (51).jpeg

Am not sure of the content of this pumpkins or if I have eaten one before.

More than likely @monica-ene! They are actually in the squash family and their looks are varied, but their taste is similar, one being a tad different than the other.

Oh I see, the difference is in that looks, that's beautiful to know.
Thanks for that additional knowledge ❤

It's always a pleasure when someone, such as yourself, is so receptive to different thoughts and ideas!

Have a great day!

It was so intriguing and amazing to be right underneath it all!

I love this! I think it’s so neat seeing where the inspiration comes from to make these types of crafts. Thanks for sharing this with me ~

fantastic!!! I am in love with this post, thx to ecency slipping it to me :P

it would fit perfectly to @barbara-orenya's Season Hunt challenge, its 1 st round, to be precise. btw, the current week prompt is 'Leaves', maybe you will find it intresting to take part too. warmly welcome!

Oh wow thanks so much @qwerrie!! I'm so glad you enjoyed the post. 😃

Oh wow that would have been just right, too bad I didn’t know about it until now. I greatly appreciate you bringing the hunt to my attention, I’ll definitely keep it in mind now.

Thanks again ~

finally we are becoming like a complex nerve network - many friendly connections transmitting information where and when needed 🤸 spread the word etc

When it comes to field trips, I am always happy to see how happy the kids are when they see something that they have not seen for the first time, let alone holding it, or swimming with it. It is also great to know that your kiddos gained new friends. I bet your kiddos were so much happy after the field trip. I hope this COVID pandemic will soon be over because I am raring to bring my son out for a family field trip.

I am the same way @afterglow. It makes me so happy seeing the kids discover and explore something new.

Yes, they really had a good time and are looking forward to the next one. It just felt good getting outside. I hope you're able to take your son out on a trip real soon :)

I hope you're able to take your son out on a trip real soon :)

I hope so too (^_^) have a nice Sunday...

this is the first time I see pumpkins with various colors, this is a new knowledge for me

Oh cool. I'm glad I could introduce you to some of the many varieties :)

Thanks for reading ~

I really enjoy reading especially on pictures I've never seen

Wow it really lovely with the nice pics of it too. I kind of like it

I'm glad you liked the photos :)

Wow, very interesting portrait

Excellent post

Thanks so much for the support!

When it comes to field trip experience, children don't hear it two times, as you say jack...... Before you Robinson, the will tell you that they are already on the way,
Am glad to read through this wonderful post, and to see how amazing it is to see children having fun in the field.
Thanks so much for sharing, at such a time as this point in time