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RE: OUTPOST ALPHA nearly ready!!!

in #hive-engine3 years ago

Sounds like you are describing a desire for a Hive app that is customized for artists like you. To be clear, I would agree and would add that it would be great if an app could show the most recent post of a user in a gallery or in something like a slideshow or something a bit bigger than the older posts closer to the top of the screen or web page or home page. I agree with your comparison to PeakD, yeah.


One could take the art element out of what I said, apply it to other things, logic still sticks. And I don't really need an app specific to artists. All I need is a platform. Got it. A marketplace of several walks of life. Got it (though it's really small right now and will only shrink further if I were to focus on say an art tribe and only accept their local currency). Exchanging tokens is possible, not everyone can do it, but sure, they can learn. From token to token to token to achieving the goal of making a purchase. That's a lot of red tape. Plenty of steps can be eliminated there. And they're priced in local tokens that fluctuate in value. Mint an NFT, blink, get wrecked, someone scoops it up at a bargain and you're sitting there looking like a fool. Or you blink and suddenly it looks like you want to rip everyone off. Not everything sells on the first day. I understand the idea behind community tokens but in order to do business between them all a stable universal solution is needed.

And I'm not discounting the fact the service they intend to provide here is still valuable. If I'm missing something I hope they come and correct me so I can understand this better as well. At a glance I'm just seeing more of same mess plaguing the NFT world that was rushed to begin with.

So, in other words, we need Crypto Twitter, never mind Non-Crypto which is still better than Parler, perhaps we need to borrow from the likes of what might be Semi-Crypto, perhaps or

Speaking of swapping, this may not be directly relevant to this conversation but I was trading Hive coins for Bitcoin and that worked exactly, every penny was exchanged as far as I can tell, and I guess the fees were ok, but trading Ethereum for Bitcoin was messy via a web wallet and out of around $300 worth of Ethereum, around $29 was left over on that online wallet thing and I guess it is what it is but that kind of thing kind of discourages me from using perhaps Ethereum or perhaps certain websites, apps, exchanges, markets, etc.

And I think I agree that too many tokens can divide people and not to say that it never works like you said, but it generally is dangerous to do so and that is not to say that money should not be competitive, it should be, and not to say money should be centralized cuz it shouldn't be. So, this cryptocurrency blockchain world is good for the sake of Charles Darwin's survival of the fittest coins, as if the alt coins were evolving like Pokemon. But competition in money also means a lot of losers and that is the scary part. But not sure if a single blockchain system like Hive Blog could or should let the competition of NFTs and new alt coins and communities party on top of it or not. I am a bit neutral in the debate. I guess for the most part, Hive probably shouldn't promote NFTs too much perhaps and instead encourage people to focus on the main Hive apps instead.

Based on what I'm thinking, I know we're not on the same page. I don't have time to sit here and break down my entire thought process though.

I know what you are saying. I just wanted to say a bunch of random things. But that does not mean we are not on the same page. It only means I am random. It is not like I did not hear you. I am just random.