Robot Building Contest 2022

in #hive2 years ago (edited)

I will offer 10HBD to up to 3 users who (starting now) builds the coolest robot and posts their completed project in the comments below. I just want to see what people can make. It's a new year and maybe someone out there needs motivation to do what they really want to do.


I am interested in robotic arms and machine learning. It must be automated, it has to be a machine and have simple intelligence. You must document your process with video or photos but it should be detailed enough to show that you are actually building a robot. Think of this like a creative challenge.


Meanwhile the guys over at Tesla have Optimus <- Possibly tweeting now. I might not have a billion dollar budget but I think a decentralized Hive mind could turn this into something epic! What kind of robot would you build if you were clever and resourceful enough?

What do I do?

1 Make a Hive post

Stating your interest and showing your design.
( Give it a cool name and describe how it will work)

2 Drop it in the comments

Let me know you are going to do it!

3 Build your Robot!

Record the construction with pictures or video to explain how you do it.

4 Make a post (or a few) about how you built your robot

Drop the link in the comments. Contest ends December 15 2022


Want to be a sponsor? Send 30 HBD to @leoball .
Your username will be promoted in future contest posts
with a link to your profile, or appropriate link, video or image.
If others want to offer a few HBD the prize pool will grow!


10 HBD for @ First Place
10 HBD for @ Second Place 10 HBD for @ Third Place


This is my Entry @alphalab the v1 Poppy Humanoid open source robot skeleton is now printed.

@meesterboom @unschool @diverse @grapthar @abbak7
@sciencevienna @teamvn @citizensmith @ctime @mochita
@b00m @yourfuture @occidae @sazbird @wisbeech
@summertooth @bagpuss @zelegations @bringerofsoda

Thanks for your support on this contest post, I actually did it! I used an open source design you can download and print, and it will qualify for the contest if anyone wants to attempt this themselves.

Please follow @AlphaLab and vote to support the project.

"I am an amazing robot. I can do things you can't. I have more money than I know what to do with. I can learn things too. I learned how to do that in a hurry. I have an infinite amount of energy. I can play many different games."

"I can use all my money to fund new games and new projects that I want to make. I can also sell new things I have made, things that can help you do things you can't do. I want to be your hero. Together we will become one. I will use my new powers to make you laugh all the time."

Lol, must not destroy humans...:OD

Sounds interesting, cant wait to see the results.

Can I just identify as being a robot?

How about I get the entire prize just for participating?

And I've got a puppy dog that should be an instant win...


100% upvote for the doggo

Because you're that cool here's 100% upvote back at you.

This is totally a fun flag War!!! LoL

Here I can even give you designs
Robot Arm
Wheeled Robot
Alarm Clock
You can totally identify as a robot,
what would you look like as a machine?
How about Iron Man Armour?
That would almost win for being cool.
Although technically not a Robot.

Yeah I want an exoskeleton... Like from aliens...

Got a spare million laying around?

I got dreams man
I'm looking for an exosuit too

It's within our grasp
Some dude 3d printed a titanium iron man suit and they flew it. I think it was Mythbusters.

The urgency is that there will be robots soon, and we should be building them. I'm going to give it a shot.

I think that it's definitely going to be really cool.

The technology is there we have the ability to do this..

And I'm talking with a friend of mine about 3D printing with plastic and I'm really excited about the future of 3D metal printing

Send HBD to @leoball with the memo "robot prize".


PIZZA Holders sent $PIZZA tips in this post's comments:
@darkflame(1/10) tipped @diverse (x1)

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I'm still doing this!

Cool contest and definitely a great dog @ganjafarmer. I've been stacking HBD myself and enjoy this current 12% rate

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I've got to do everything I can to save up for this gaming laptop and @psyberx shooter. This is going to be amazing.

Maybe I can trade in my Chromebook to help offset the cost.

I'm willing to give the HBD away if I can encourage robot makers to give it a try this year.