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RE: The Voteowncommentphant's advice page

in #hive2 years ago

You literally wrote a post telling people not to upvote themselves. And yes I have been here long enough. This self appointed gatekeeping is driving people from the platform. I don't agree with it.


Who the fuck do you think will be 'gatekeepers' when it's decentralised? Anyone is entitled to moderate and that includes downvoting. This is not even that, it's informing people of what is considered bad form. I try to help people find a better path to being part of the community rather than driving them away, but some don't want to be nice. Sometimes it's down to ignorance of what is acceptable, but some is plain malicious.

There's a finite rewards pool and it should go to those who earn it. The community gets to decide who that is.

Comparing anyone on here to Nazis is just dumb and offensive.

You are free to disagree, but what have you done for Hive?