I will not let some nonames abuse me

in #hive4 years ago

I am getting flagged by some no-names.

This post is a full power up - if you are with me vote for it.

I will not let some idiots to keep blackmailing me over their downvotes.

You want HIVE to be a spot of blackmailers???? Who doesn't let get content out from others ????

WTH is going here.

There is a few people who want to be dominant here, despite nobody even knows them as they are n00bs.

They have tried to blackmail me into not posting stuff they dont want. WTF is going on here ?



Just a little FYI

I give you a 0.17 downvote for self-voting every post and posting about the same interview 3 times. Nearly a $3 self votes on each of those posts about the same interview.... Milking Hive just like you do Steem. Then using your paid for delegation, you lose you crap and hit me and my alt with $2 Downvotes. Really? Who is the abuser here?? You must be a real special one ain’t you. Chill out, quit crying and if you can’t pay for your delegation... then don’t buy delegation. What a novel idea.

Also Steem is for Milking.... Not Hive. Multiple posts a day self voting all posts... Hmmmm someone seems a bit selfish.... or is it your attitude of Entitlement? Like the Hive Community Owes you something??Just relax and act right Dang.

Oh ya, and pay no attention to your alt account that you also self vote every single post just to milk those Hive rewards to pay for your delegation.

But why did you downvote me at 100%? Is that retaliation because you were downvoted? Who's the abuser now?

It's to try to scare you. He assumes everyone shares the same motivations as he does.

Sadly for him, I'm not that scared anymore. I guess I'm already a little thick-skinned after being downvoted by transisto/likwid numerous times on Steem. 😂😂😂

I don't have to worry though, I have a lot of rescuers. The thing is, I remained faithful in my posts and I will continue to do so. He should be afraid because his actions are already out in the open.

Healed you post off KC's DV. Thanks for being here! Cheers!

Thank you! I really appreciate it! While I don't mind the value of the downvote because I've experienced worse, I just hate those who claimed to be victims when they're the real abusers of the platform.

This post is a full power up - if you are with me vote for it.

It's a regular 50/50 post and you're powering down as well. I voted though

You want HIVE to be a spot of blackmailers???? Who doesn't let get content out from others ????

What does this even mean ? Top quality writing as usual
If downvotes = abuse, why are you abusing random people now ?


They have tried to blackmail me into not posting stuff they dont want. WTF is going on here ?

A few seconds of digging through your recent activity and it looks more like you're harassing a random user and being a dickhead in general. Now you're expecting to be paid to complain too..

Yeah you changed my mind and removed my up-vote I didn't even notice that he called a full power up when in reality its the other way around. thanks for pointing that out.

@ausbitbank Thank you! For the screenshot!
Damn..I got randomly blasted by this guy for no reason...

@acromott. I healed all your posts by equivalent amount. Thanks!

wow!!! Thank you so much. That was very nice of you!

I'm actually amazed that people like him have the audacity to spin the narrative to their own gain. A little digging to their activities would reveal otherwise. I'm excited to see his next move this time.

What is the SteemWorld version on hive?
Nevermind. I find it.
Thanks anyway.

I only downvote to remove unearned rewards and your multiple daily self-votes using leased HP come under that category. It's funny how you can get zero comments on a post despite having 30k followers. Crying about losing some rewards in this post is a bit sad. Maybe some people do actually enjoy your posts, but let them decide what they are worth. Your inflated reputation means very little to me.

Love and peace.

You are fake. I can't think of any other way to portray it. You are in perpetual power down because you can barely afford to cover your leases. You have to continually post low effort shit on multiple accounts, so you can farm enough rewards to pay for this illusion that you have any stake in the platform, besides milking the shit out of it. You did the same shit on steem, and that's why you got downvoted there. Anybody with half a brain can look at your activities and see you are a total sham.

What's funny is you aren't even man enough to take a single downvote. Somebody downvotes your over-rewarded shit, and you FREAK OUT AND go on a rampage downvoting all their active posts on two platforms.

You're like a little baby, and if you can't afford to pay for your 'fake stake' steem power delegation, that's nobody's problem but yours. Go ahead and downvote me all you want. I have 10X the stake on this platform than you and don't self-vote here. If you think I care about $2-3 of my potential awards being sent back to the pool, well I'm here to tell you I give zero fucks. People can figure out pretty quickly who the exploiter is here (pssst, it's you).

Go milk on STEEM. Steem is for milking, but I guess you didn't get the memo. Nobody downvotes over there (but you in retaliation).

GFY you whiney little shit. I have a feeling you'll have to sell something other than hive to afford your bullshit 'fake stake' lease. You'd be a whale two times over if you had any sort of vision beyond sucking blockchains dry. You are a parasite.

Have a nice day.



I support you fully.


Having a hard time getting that milk in your mouth???

Upvoted! Who are these people anyway?

You have my support and in fact never let no one blackmail you. Each word counts on hive

Sorry about it man. I totally support you

Please do call them out by names mate.

Hello there, we are pretty easy to find.

Ignore that comment I realised his bullshit later.

since azircon again wrote this now in public...

i did not mean any of you guys in this post @joshman, @derangedvisions, @slobberchops, @jlsplatts, @steevc
probably my wording was wrong so many people got hurt but i wanted to see how he acts on the post.

i was getting pms from him that he will take friends and flag me to the ground if i wont act like he wants.

@azircon had nothing to do with me coming to this post, and I am sure he didn't contact the others that you tagged either. We all know that you have been an abuser of the reward pool for years now and none of us agree with the rewards on your posts. That is the sole reason I flagged you. Disagreement on rewards. Nothing personal at all. But I think most of us "no names" are just sick of reward pool abuse from users like you that think that just because you have some delegated stake behind your account, that justifies you doing whatever you want.

i have no problem with normal flags, disegrements etc. but teaming up to kill someone is far from what this community should be about.

What the heck do you know about community?? Selfish people don't understand the slightest bit about community. You are a reward pool parasite, feel free to live in the Steem reward pool, not here. See ya

I am only assuming that this "teaming up" you are talking about is the community finally stepping up and doing something about your abusive posting. You are also not one to play victim either. You are well known to throw flags around to small accounts and anyone that disagrees with you.

There are at least 50 people here disagree with you abuse, in this post alone! What are you going to do about it? Calling us "no-name" will get you far enough! :)

So am seeing that you approve the community to downvote your every post until you powerdown and leave Hive. Thank you for your cooperation. Much appreciated!

Utter bullshit. Somebody downvotes a single post of yours and you hunt down every post they make on two platforms.

You're done. I suggest you not waste any more money on delegations to upvote yourself. Only then will I consider not downvoting your shit.

Lol, you complain and retaliate at every flag. You are full of BS KC - 4 years of consistency :D

Hi, I think they have reasons to downvote your posts. Could you please share what posts got downvoted? Maybe we can see by ourselves and judge them obejctively.