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RE: Hive Secondary Airdrop: For Proxied Voters

in #hiveblockchain4 years ago

My mistake was to choose a proxy, it turned out that the proxy did not support witnesses in accordance with my wishes, they chose sock puppet witnesses on Steem. What should I do to get out of this "blacklist" and my name is no longer tainted. Because this is not purely my fault.


You have some support, but probably not enough to overcome the forces against. If your account name is tainted, make a new one
This is an important point. The stake from your account was used in an attack. Just from the chain record, we have no idea of knowing who was ignorant of the proxied actions or who supported them

These will probably have to come up as individual proposals, and I would support anyone acknowledging they understand what happened: their stake was used in an attack because they trusted a proxy that did not deserve the trust
To be clear - my stake is tiny and probably wouldn't help those proposals. I'm honestly not sure the support would be there, but it would be sensible

The understanding is the critical piece. We'd have to at least be able to make a judgment call about the likelihood of that stake resuming the attack

As far as your name being tainted - I wouldn't sweat it. The consequence of losing in politics (getting everything downvoted) in DPoS is tumbling your stake through an exchange and into another account

I'll keep an eye out for individual proposals. They'd get some support. Sorry things went that way for you. It's lame

This is a valid point. This confirms my suspicion that many people didn't fully understand the voting system and the consequences. I'd vote for giving you the airdrop....