
Youtube get the Fuuuuck out da waaaaay! @hodgetwins now on @dtube making all kiiiinds of Steem gains!
gotbitcoin.gif outta business

Great dear!!!!!

I’m sure the guy that wrote in was comforted by your kind words about his ex,just in case maybe send him the number to suicide prevention hotline! 😆

Lol your dick was like a cellphone that couldnt keep a charge

@hodgetwins making money!!! keep it up guys!!!

Bruh, real talk...she was probably with 8 other dudes when they were just "talking" for 4 years smh

Encore, had second dip, double dip, nippling cos I thought i misheard been hurt and all with Stephen

Oh I got afraid when starting this video.. I have liked your videos, who is broked man you will also break.


Best way to get over your girl is get under Different One

All she has to do is cut them off and kicking them in the balls
Real @hodgetwins knowledge there!

lol hodge twins getting in on the crypto actions?

This Video was up on Steemit before it was on YouTube! GREAT!


It looks like that guy was missing out on some oxytocin. My latest blog is about oxytocine. The love chemical.

You guys are freaking awesome. LMAO.

Man you guys crack me up! Lol keep it coming brothers! @hodgetwins

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Thank you for posting @hodgetwins...

Follow me Everyone i'm new To steemit

Love watching you guys... too funny. ha ha ha

oh nice! glad to see some big youtubers on steemit! GL guys

"leaking all sorts of pre cum" bro im dead!!! hahah

LoL @ at my wife was a nigga 😭😂

LOL. WTF? Yall funny as hell.