Escape America Now is on Steemit!

Hi, I'm Dr. John Cobin, a Chilean citizen who has renounced his US citizenship, a very outspoken libertarian and am currently living in Viña del Mar. These days find me managing a small construction firm, as well as providing Chilean residency and real estate consultations. I'm also a professor of economics and public policy. 


Having taught public policy and published many books, scholarly articles and over 1,500 letters to the editor in Chilean newspapers, I like to stay involved with writing, teaching online and grading dissertations. I also get to teach in our local church, where I serve as one of the leaders. 

From 2012-2014 I got to host the internet/podcast radio show Red Hot Chile, which was one of the more popular shows on Overseas Radio for a while. While I know it's not the most exciting topic for most, I've really enjoyed my research on evaluating urban public policies such as zoning, building and fire safety regulation and highway construction, as well as theoretical ways to reduce economic problems associated with them. Perhaps my more visible works, besides Escape America Now, are those associated with the nature of the state and the interrelation between Christian faith (and action) and public policy. 

Most recently I edited my books on Chile into one large volume that is certainly the most comprehensive treatise available on immigration to and living in Chile. It's naturally titled, Life in Chile: A former American's Guide for Newcomers.

You can also find some of my papers, columns and other information on the, plus a number of popular pages for free market links, quotations for liberty and more. These days my writing is focused almost exclusively on providing more information about Chile for aspiring expats on Escape America Now, where I've posted over 500 articles over the years. You'll find that I don't pull punches, but really try to help folks who are looking into Chile understand both the blessings and challenges. Check it out at

Until next time,
John Cobin


Good to see you here, John :) Greetings from the Fort Galt crew in Valdivia!

lol but whats the secret man, your on top of every trending posts

What prompted you to move, and why did you go to Chile instead of somewhere English speaking, like Belize?

I had spent time in Chile before and my Spanish was acceptable. It's a long story. Belize isn't nearly as free as Chile, nor is the economic climate as favorable.
You can read more about it on my blog,

Clinton, Bush and then Obama, in that order. Clinton first, of course! I wanted to live in a freer country.


especially after upcoming president election, i would really doubt on the future of America..

Is this material available on amazon kindle electronic books? I travel so i need my books portable, kindle is free to upload and fees are variable and reasonable... /hugz...

The book can be read on Kindle, but it's just PDF.

Although I don't plan on renouncing my citizenship, the wife and I are trying and working towards moving and living permanently in her home country. More so for the type of lifestyle it offers compared to the hustle and bustle of the U.S. Steemit honestly could be our final piece in the puzzle if things work out well here. Still debating personally if I want to move some of our bitcoins here or not.

I noticed you said your topic might not be interesting. I just wanted to point out Steemit needs to be an information hub for it to succeed. It's great you are covering a topic that might be rare, but I guarantee someone out there will find it useful especially if it has quality or use to it. Good luck!

Thanks for this. It's encouraging that others share my passion. On an academic level, few do. But on a socioeconomic and geopolitical level many do. So we'll see how things go here.
I shared one of my earlier blog posts here on Steemit, to see how much interest there would be. Unfortunately, it hasn't proven to be very popular.

I am not American, I am in Florida; I am on the 'dark' "side" of fifty...
My home country wins a higher place in every international survey of nations taken.
Out of these surveys the USA often polls well and gets good results; but getting good results on these lifestyle surveys does not mean average people can afford to live there...
My home country gets even better results which means I cannot afford to live there even less than to live nor retire in America.
Thus we have two big players; Asia and South America, Asia has a hugely different cultural divide for people from first world nations. So while i might be able to afford to live there i feel almost everything else will be a distraction or annoyance...
So; South America, now I cannot speak any other language than English. So its a crap shoot to work out a plan of action...
Anyways at least i am shopping for some plan of action into the future...

c u on the BC :)

/hugz ;)

There's no time like the present to learn a new language. I would expect Spanish to be easier for English speakers than any of the Asian languages. Generally, you can find someone who speaks English in Chile cities. Once you get out into the country, it gets harder. But it's being taught in schools more now than before. As a rule, if you can't find someone to speak English, ask children and police. If a bank is nearby, you might check in there.

While i am not American i do like most things American; but the multinationals, politicans and 1% who run all things American have sort of stopped investing in America; a long time ago actually...
Its a bit like polluting the Pacific Ocean; you can do it for a long time, but after a while people notice and try and stop it. If its not stopped then something as strong as the Pacific Ocean must be fatally harmed.
The same for America, the people running Americas accounts have failed to make many concrete deposits to help stabilize the economy and country; but these same people have had no problems spending up big on the national check and credit card accounts.
Unfortunately it is now game over for America; when you now have seventy five percent of the population who cannot afford to interact financially in a meaningful way with the economy nor afford to retire etc. There is just no possible way to buffer against future bad times.
So make sure you cast your vote in November since failing to vote makes you a worthless scum of a citizen; but remember, no matter who you vote for...
Life is not going to change much for you, but at least you must tell these people what you think of them with a proper vote.
Remeber the definition of a politican is someone who is to dysfunctional to have a boss, to lazy to hold a job and to cowardly to launch a start up business; come November make sure you vote puts a sitting politican out of Congress. Do not worry; if you unelect them; they will be fine, after all there is not the slightest chance they will have to go out seeking a j-o-b...

C u on the BC ;)
/hugz :)

Having given up my US citizenship, I no longer have the "privilege" of voting. It's one of the many things I don't miss. :)
I'll be posting an article shortly that'll point out much of what you've said here.

Well wish you luck in your endeavors away from America.

I have not renounced my citizenship but I will have the option in a few years. I now have permanent residency in Panama now thanks to my wife. What you have done is many peoples dream. I look forward to your posts!

Thanks @hilarski. Yeah, it's a wrestling match for most of us, but was an easy decision for me. The US really has nothing good to offer me anymore. I haven't been there in years, and don't plan on ever being there again. I do have kids there still though, so it could happen, I suppose... however reluctantly.

Interesting stuff, I'll be following you!
Good luck in all your projects =)

Truly; it is not so much America, but simply that well over 75 percent of the population can no longer afford to live in America.
Obamacare was arranged simply because 40% of the population had no access to affordable healthcare...
When the economy tanked in 2007 - 2009 the banks who had caused the collapse, repossessed as many homes as they could; and continued to reclaim more homes.
Right up until they realized; there were no new buyers for those houses; so many people lost their homes the courts had to commence special sessions simply to retake everyones residence.
The housing finance world was thrown into fear when counties passed legislation that the owner of a home has to keep that house in habitable condition, this meant banks had to pay upkeep such as air conditioning on empty housing; with zero possibility of being able to resell anytime in the near future.
Which is why most people can now qualify for an underwater loan; simply interest rates cannot get cheaper since they are already at near zero...
The Great Depression has now put many towns out of business, cities like Detroit are now just a dot on the map; cities have told teachers, fire rescues and police that pension plans are no longer realistic.
Simply put most of America can no longer afford to retire within the USA; books and websites like international living as well as this website mentioned above tell people how and why you need to leave your country.
Just remember you did nothing wrong, the people who caused all your problems and issued did nothing wrong either; they simply legislated the law to legally mess you over...
All because they were to scared to have to earn a living; remember that in November; Be A Patriot; Fire A Politician !!!
C u on the BC ;)
/hugz :)


so, what's up with OneCoin? Oh, yeah? Really?

No seriously man I assume you don't know. Get that filth off your page and keep your legitimacy....