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RE: Hello Steemers! I am thrilled to be in a community that gives back :)

Very great to have you here among us!
A fascinating character you bring to this platform, can't wait to hear more about it in your blog!
Sweet photos!
If you're offering any long distance tarrot readings am all ears!

As always with any intro post, just sharing the thought that you should join the Minnow Support Project on Discord and get to chatting with some fellow Steemians! (

Would be an honour to make friends with someone cool like you, if you can work it around your busy schedule of gem hunting, kid-reering and being an awesome and adventurous lady!

Add me on Discord if you wanna have a chat and ask some questions!

Good luck on here and Steem on! :)

Peace and love!


I appreciate your heartfelt reply and I am thrilled to be on this platform. I was once a redditor and it was very toxic. I can definitely do long distant tarot readings and I would be ecstatic to make you my first! I will check out discord tonight and we can even skype it out haha.

Vibe on <3


Tarot reading via a Discord Skype sesh?
Book me in!

I frickin' love every opportunity I get for a tarrot reading! Such a mystical and intuition-rich way to piece together archetypal aspects of our lives into a meaningful little yarn!
Definitely hmu and we'll get this Steemit party started properly!

Lets set a day for Tarot readings! @imp.unity

Add me on Discord gurl!!!

Seriously, I'll add you to lots of cool servers where you can network and interact with fellow Steemians xx

I use telegram ?