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RE: Hello Steemers! I am thrilled to be in a community that gives back :)

I appreciate your heartfelt reply and I am thrilled to be on this platform. I was once a redditor and it was very toxic. I can definitely do long distant tarot readings and I would be ecstatic to make you my first! I will check out discord tonight and we can even skype it out haha.

Vibe on <3



Tarot reading via a Discord Skype sesh?
Book me in!

I frickin' love every opportunity I get for a tarrot reading! Such a mystical and intuition-rich way to piece together archetypal aspects of our lives into a meaningful little yarn!
Definitely hmu and we'll get this Steemit party started properly!

Lets set a day for Tarot readings! @imp.unity

Add me on Discord gurl!!!

Seriously, I'll add you to lots of cool servers where you can network and interact with fellow Steemians xx

I use telegram ?