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RE: I'm Not Sure What I'm Doing But I Guess I'll Learn

in #introduceyourself2 years ago

Thank you for the welcome. That all sounds very complicated! I noticed that people use different apps, it all seems very confusing. Someone has replied with a load of links to get me started. It looks like I've got a day of some serious learning ahead of me 🤔


Don't stress... the newbie guide they link to should be helpful. If you spend even a few hours learning the basics, you'll be just fine. Don't try to do everything or you'll quickly feel overwhelmed... find what's right for you. :)

This is my newer merch business account, but you can also give my alter-go (@thatcryptodave) a ring. I still feel like a newbie though, so speak very slowly and keep the questions simple. 🙄 !LOL