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RE: I'm Not Sure What I'm Doing But I Guess I'll Learn

Welcome, Paul!
Ecency is just one of the apps and tribe front-ends you can use to access and interact with Hive content. I use Peakd for general stuff (like reading and upvoting this post) and then tribe sites like CINETV, FOODIES BEE HIVE and LEOFINANCE to focus on certain niches and earn different tokens.

There is a lot to learn if you want to, but I'm sure each user has a unique approach that works for them... there is no wrong way to #Hive. Just have fun, be yourself and engage. Best of luck to you! 👍



Thank you for the welcome. That all sounds very complicated! I noticed that people use different apps, it all seems very confusing. Someone has replied with a load of links to get me started. It looks like I've got a day of some serious learning ahead of me 🤔

Don't stress... the newbie guide they link to should be helpful. If you spend even a few hours learning the basics, you'll be just fine. Don't try to do everything or you'll quickly feel overwhelmed... find what's right for you. :)

This is my newer merch business account, but you can also give my alter-go (@thatcryptodave) a ring. I still feel like a newbie though, so speak very slowly and keep the questions simple. 🙄 !LOL

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