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RE: Keto diet food prep

in #keto6 years ago

@condorwaran for breakfast, I prep 18 eggs, cheese and sausage on Sunday. I cook all this, then divide it out into equal size containers for the week. That way, my breakfast is done and I'm good to go.

For lunch, I'll eat leftovers from the night before or if traveling, I've been known to hit a fast food place (Burger King is my fav) and get a double bacon cheeseburger, no ketchup, bun free. They put it in a nice container that you can take home, wash and reuse.

Dinner, I eat something like steak, broccoli or asparagus with butter.

Snacks throughout the day are nuts, cottage cheese, string cheese or I keep a jar of all natural peanut butter and just eat it.


Thx for the reply! Sound well and I haven't really thought about eating out at Burger King, but it sounds great if its possible to order without ketchup and buns.
Do you maybe have an idea what to eat if I want to lose my last 4-6 % bodyfat. I am training really hard and lifting very heavy but I think I just hit a plateau. I need some easy to follow advice, something that I can eat everyday and don't get tired of.