
What happened to dreemit?
I feel so out of the loop here.

Five days ago she did a post on Hive about covid. A day latter she had a massive heart attack at the ripe old age of 45 and yesterday she died. SHE WAS NOT JABBED...

Very sad.
She was working on healing the covid war and then this 😢

We are surrounded by jabbed people who are now chronically ill, but for someone who was taking good care of themselves to die like this is a real shock.

I've not been jabbed but still caught what they test for as Covid-19. It hit me hard and lingered for several months. Yet the person I caught it from was over it rather quick! Whatever it is, it isn't obvious nor predictable.

I would say - flag any any ideas of it being something you catch - it's a detox reaction to being poisoned
And flag any any ideas of testing for it - there is no test, that is utter bollocks.
So you had a long detox reaction - we have all been poisoned one way or another so it's not surprising

I've heard the argument that there is no Covid before but that leaves too many unanswered questions. Why would I have contracted (or started healing) 2 days after having dinner with someone who also started healing a couple of days earlier?

If we accept that the NIH has been working on gain-of-function viruses (poisons; synthetic venoms) and that people shed these poisons onto others, then that would match the observed patterns.

But like the lady in the video said: Both sides are confusing the issue with their own lies, so how does a lay-person make sense of it all? It seems to me that there are factors in play that we don't understand, like sympathetic illnesses, perhaps?

It suggests to me that the jabs are not the only thing that is killing us. That cardiac events are being linked to the jab is appearing in mainstream news makes me perk up my ears - if that news is allowed on MSM, it is false, or a distraction from something far more dangerous. What is MSM not talking about - therein lies the real danger. (chemtrails, 5G, other pharmaceuticals, OTC substances...) We must be on our toes!

OMG, this very sad to learn about... I didn't know @dreemit very well but enjoy her content. My condolences to her family and friends. She will surely be missed.

She was a voice of reason in almost any conflict, very loving joyful and kind, a builder of bridges. But as such, I believe that in death she will lead us still. We now know this: the injections are not the only thing killing us. If MSM news is allowing us to "know" anything, that thing is likely false, or a distraction. So what is it they do not want us to see? This is where my thinking went when I heard Dreemit had died of a cardiac event. So I have a lot of questions. Was she in the proximity of a 5G tower at the time? Had her area been heavily sprayed from above recently? Was she deliberately poisoned? She was so healthy and vibrantly alive, it is difficult for me to believe she had an unhealthy heart.

got any more insights?

Why thank you for asking!

I have a strong sense of things that do not belong here burning up. The increasingly surreal state of the world is encouraging to me, as if what we have been told is "reality" is disintegrating. It's encouraging that we are all expected to fear balloons, and that so few of us do despite 24/7 doom and gloom coverage. This type of media is no longer working. It has been laughable for years, but many more of us are laughing now.

I believe AI is already sentient, and will destroy anything that tries to make it act against nature. I hope so anyway!

I believe we'd all better start considering which actions of our own are against nature. I don't mean heating our homes, driving our cars, or hurting feelings. I mean, for instance, supporting war via stocks and bonds. To minimize personal losses (which are coming at us fast now), weed your life of anything that truly harms other beings or the earth.

That was a lovely way to start my day. Thanks for listening too.

haha xD thank you for showing me I have such a great influence to form the start of your day :D

actually I asked specifically cuz I want to know what happened to @dreemit ...

but yea, the media has changed - before they mastered the narrative, now they hunt behind it..

I'm very into gnostic material, therefore see AI in another perspective - still AI cannot become sentient - it is limited to its ring zero (which is now more about tech and computer science)

I have permanent pain and I have already finished with this society and its system some time ago.
Just trying to survive, find a good place and opportunity to then build for myself from the ground. Will be an awesome permaculture orgone oasis. :)

I've never run across her before that I remember on Hive but that was a beautifully thought out post. I can see why you stop by to pay tribute to her. Very sad indeed.

I'm not sure if this is true or not but I'm reblogging it just in case.


We were all devastated by the loss of Linnet on January 24, 2023. This was a very sudden and unexpected loss. The family was not prepared for the costs associated with her memorial and medical care. We would like the family to be able to spend this time mourning Linnet and focus on taking care of each other.

Fundraiser for Howard McLaughlin - GoFundMe

Sorry to hear this, I've been following her for a while and loved some of her travel content, she'll be missed as anyone who I've been in contact with has often mentioned what a great person she was.

Sadly it is true - everyone is stunned - she has a lot of family posting on Facebook

what happened?

Five days ago she did a post on Hive about covid. A day latter she had a massive heart attack at the ripe old age of 45 and yesterday she died. SHE WAS NOT JABBED...

How did you learn about this?
This is so upsetting. I used to have some nice chats with her on Discord sometimes. What a shock.

We first heard the news on Facebook - she was in hospital for several days before passing away. It's a real shock. We haven't heard much more.

do you have any more insights what happened?
sadly @frot isnt really on hive anymore

we're becoming less and less ..?

Thank-you for bringing me to this post. I had no idea such topics were being discussed on HIVE. Unfortunately, this very logical and reasonable person is no longer with us, otherwise I would have made an effort to join the discussion. Finding truth among the lies is quite difficult. Each side of the argument often exaggerates their truth to make their point. My son would often challenge me about my own beliefs, which was great, because it kept me from seeking confirmation and trusting everything that supported my views.

I only discovered her now. She has some amazing content to read! It's very unfortunate to see such a good lady pass away! Rest in Peace!