
I made a comment on Taraz's post about old accounts getting used to daily rewards and resenting putting in effort just to claim their daily money drop. This was a generic comment on old accounts and I stand by it.

I have not downvoted Joy's account or even commented to her directly on the effort of her posts.

Over the years I have been here I have seen it time and time again. Recycling content, reducing wordage and effort just to maintain the daily drip of money from autovotes.

It's a wider issue. I do think that Joy's reaction was ill thought out. Perhaps emotional but given the age range of your average hiver (We're all old 😀) is it too much to ask for a more measured response? Insulting people for holding bags of the token for the platform they use daily and are invested in it's not really on, is it? Simply because they questioned the effort made?

I think that old accounts just keeping the minimal activity to get the autovotes is not much of support of the community.
Like shareholders, if they are capital-shareholders theyr brought money in BUT usually in a risky moment and then they can expect dividends only.

While for working shareholders, like we are here on Hive, major shareholders are holding a good part of responsibility towards the whole ecosystem to support its growth and not simply support their own pockets.

This is one of the reason why I like @galenkp and @tarazkp activity as since they are both in top20 accounts on Hive, holding bags and bags of Hive, they keep supporting new posters, newcomers issuing contests and creating communities. @acidyo is doing quite the same and he has done a lot of work with POSH/GOSH and the new token coming.
I have surely forgotten other whales much active here on the space, but these three guys are the ones I am interacting the most as they are much active and they bring lot of value to the whole ecosystem.

I myself, even from a very small account, am trying to build a small curation trail to support contents that have almost no attention so far because I think that all of us can do something great to Hive, and the more we stay active, the more all we can earn on the long run thanks to potential Hive big appreciation


I don't feel bridges have been burnt, there was no talk of sadists and pedophiles (if you have been absent for a while you may have missed all this). I have nothing against joy, but please put some damn effort into it for your $5 rewards. Even adds more than 13 words and 2 images.

If there were no 'bagholders', nobody would get any votes and there would be no more HIVE. Let's not bullshit here, we are all in it for the money.

Didn't know about the whole story, but everyone have their own choice, no body had right to judge someone, it's her choice to power down n take cash out after all it her hardwork....

Hey man, I actually know Joy and spoke well about her and stated how weird it was to see all of this drama happen, and even prompted her to make amends and not let everything she's built go to the toilet because of this. I intro'd my post with the situation and narrated a little bit of what I saw, but I never stated an opinion, just gave an advice at the end on how to solve the whole situation in an easy. So I don't even know what's off mark, if I didn't even have an opinion on the matter 🤣

The only thing we agree is that she's could've handled it way classier and if possible, avoid burning any bridges.

This was my only take on the whole issue, so I'd say we agree on 100%, not 5%, lol

50/50 EIP thingie back then was just so we can anonymize our Hive Power and use most of it for distributive votes.

I am doing exactly this, and yet I still get called out by the people you mention that "I don't have any stake and I should feel bad" xD

We've also seen some comments saying that she's been all take and no give - how can that be true?

In my post, I mention how there are tons of ways of providing value to the ecosystem, not just by holding stake forever.

Damn, as far as drama goes this is pretty anticlimactic... Though I've only seen her say BAGHOLDER!!! which admittedly made me chuckle

Less farming Kevin :)

You were gone, now you are back posting and on traf auto-vote on whatever you post. There are people still to adjust rewards Kevin.

You could drop your frequency and that takes care of it by itself.

Or you may choose to farm until you burnout again. Your choice

Adjusted rewards slightly only because you requested. Cheers!

am i farming? lol cheers bud

So much so, freedom as "promised" 🙄

I don't think anyones freedom has been curtailed.

Was not aware of what happened but if you can point me at the correct post I will go an read the original story.

For now, I cannot say anything related even if I eventually got a first dimension of idea

its ok buddy, we were supposed to post this to leofinance community but accidentally posted on our main blog roll lol

Who is we?

just me lol, writer's voice

I commented on her post and and asked a question with a bit of cheek. Thought she would at least give a fun answer. I think she still hasn't responded to that question.

Still haven't downvoted her.

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Seem like I have missed out this! Hopefully all has been cleared out with Joy.

Now that I am not on a phone,

In her opinion, tarazkp's MO of Hive drama farming and somewhat exploitative personal storytelling doesn't give him the free pass to tell her things like he's better than her.

Where is this her opinion and what is "exploitative personal storytelling"? And Hive drama farming, really? This is what this post is, isn't it?

It's true that she's burnt out and will be staying away from Hive for a little while.

Good for her. She should look after herself better.

Just let people do whatever they want with their money. One of the many reasons why we pushed that 50/50 EIP thingie back then was just so we can anonymize our Hive Power and use most of it for distributive votes.

It also brought in 2.5 free downvotes a day, remember?

She might be doing the same with hers, who knows?

You think she is secretly a bagholder? :D

But what's wrong with just cashing out whatever she has acquired anyway?

Nothing, but what is wrong with commenting on the post? Why should those who are staked just fund people who never will stake?

"bagholders" are the staked community that make her getting any value for her posts possible, aren't they?

Where is this her opinion and what is "exploitative personal storytelling"? And Hive drama farming, really? This is what this post is, isn't it?

Nope, we just brought this up merely to say she didn't just fired her shot with zero reasons of her own. We're not familiar with your content, esp for the past few years since we've been mostly away.

Just got back from a camping trip. Clearly I have some reading to do.