
I ran out of balls. It was only the fifth hole. I was already angry by hole 2. Didn't throw anything. Walked away swearing loudly until I got to the bar. Then I sat alone and drank until they were done their round. By the time they showed up I had a dozen. The wager was "loser buys drinks" ... and they were right.

At least that place had a watering hole, and I'm sure there's a line about emptying your pockets here somewhere :)

Funny story...

This golf course was somewhat close to the area on fire, so they ran the sprinklers for extended hours out of paranoia, which sounds smart, until you see the flood damage... back nine was still good.


I can see their logic, and at least you got 9 in, drinks perhaps?

Smart but paranoid. The wind was going the opposite direction.

No drinks. Not even noon yet! Still have the whole day ahead of me for that.