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RE: Embracing My Inner Darkness (And Why I Think Everyone Should Do The Same)

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Unfortunately not living in beautiful Thailand anymore!
Want to go back! The plans are being made 😊

Where in Thailand you at?

I think you've just written the basis of a new post for your blog 🙌🏽

I can't come up with anything mega deep to say now. Having had a bit of a crazy weekend!
(I dont really drink that much and just having two beers makes me hungover the next day. Haha. Plus I dont do well sleeping just four hours a night!)

Promise that an indepth answer is on its way when the body has had a good sleep and the mind isnt zonked out...



No problem. I am no stranger of BOUTS of weekend hedonism, combined with BOUTS of chronic insomnia, combined with day-long/week-long BOUTS of hermit-type seclusion. No need to explain. As I prefer not to give out personal details in public you can email me at [email protected] for my location if you'd like. Yes, a more detailed comment should be interesting. Take your time. Your recent round of FINE "mental head" has fulfilled me for at least several days. I need some time to REFRACT...