
I like the quote...everyone has one or more dumb shit.

Very well written....That is my definition too😊.
There are many things in our life to worry about.

Nice words

#isn't everything one have to response to
#maturity is important and utpmost

Someone should post this on reddit. They have to be hands-down the most immature platform after twitter, with knee jerk reactions everywhere.

Yeah it's my motto in life :)

Haha I like it. So true.

Still a hard thing to do!

I am more and more successful...

@cicbar very much inspirational quote.. maturatiy should come in us as soon as possible . Really awesome quote.

Yeah really awesome at one stage in life you notice the dumb shit people do...just let go with no reaction.

You ability to control your emotions and temper , shows how mature you are

I have this kind of reaction also, but not too often :)

Unicorn sentence, my dear @cicbar. Keyword is “sometimes”. But when people are doing dumb shit of destruction life on planet, and when they do it so well, for the most of the time you simply cannot afford to leave them finishing their dumb shit…

So true...

its really a great motivation and also very inspiring for all of us,,,thank you for the pot

Your writing is very well .. There are many things of your writing . Many deffination of this article .

Thanks for sharing @cicbar

Really awesome quote.

i like it? So true