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RE: Keep At It

in #life10 months ago

I do hope your matriarch is doing well and you are too. What you did for her is an inspiration. I am glad you are fiinding the time to post more. I missed your last post and will have to make a note to head over later and check it out. It sounds like you put some time into it, so I want to make sure I give it the appropriate amount of attention. Keep hammering friend.


Thanks, man. Yes, she's doing much better, and for now we're keeping the drug addicts in my family out of her purse, but it takes constant vigilance.

I told her to contact me if they show up, and had to rush over there as one of them wanted to mow the grass in her backyard for the princely sum of $200. Nah bro, I told him, "Take a hike" I do that for her for free.

These people are absolute parasites. Addiction makes them desparate. They know her mental abilities are diminishing and try to take advantage of her when I'm not around. They wouldn't have dared to try this stuff in her younger days! :)

That is good to hear she is doing better. Sorry you have to keep dealing with that BS with the addicts. They will get theirs eventually.