It's not a shit day.

in #life2 years ago (edited)

All of the oughts and supposedtos are telling me that this should be coming out of my hand, pen and ink in the journal and all and I can go back afterwards and post it in the interthereals but I don't want to do it longhand. I don't want to, dammit. I want to tip tap clack on the keyboard fast as fuck so I can get this shit out and still be able to read what I wrote when I'm done.
It's not a shit day. It's a beautiful day, most of which has been spent outdoors with crows and earning the trust of Bravely enough for her to eat from my hand which isn't so hard because her parents are busy with the nest and she's lonely and I should really be giving myself more credit for this but I'm not because I know crows and I don't like to give myself credit for anything.
I'm working on that.
It's not a shit day but I feel like shit. Period started because periods still start because thank fucking god I'm not as old as my age and even though I'm all mixed up about whether or not I want to have children (still probably leaning towards don't) the click tic toc clock of biology makes me feel funny about knowing the fertility window will be closing soon. Part of me wants to scream and cry. Part of me does scream and cry, sometimes. All of me does, too, on occasion. Other parts of me frequently thank the same fucking abovementioned god that I don't actually believe in that I got my tubes tied when I was with the abusive ex because I can't and won't imagine what life would be like if we'd made a baby.
That ex has been on my mind a lot lately. Even popped up in a dream, we were together again, but I kept my back to him most of the time. Wouldn't look at him. Was only with him because I had no other option. A consensual trap. I guess I used to believe that. Believe that I didn't deserve better than name-calling and erratic violent behavior and constant mind-fucks that I was pretty sure were mind-fucks but didn't have any sense of self-defense to defend myself from them. They say people stay with their abusers because they don't know their own worth. Because it's familiar. I denied all of that. I said I was doing it because he was broken and the good parts of him deserved to have someone love him and that I was going to be the one who did it. But all that shit they say? About the familiarity and the poor self-esteem? It's true.
I hate that it's true. I hate that my worldview kept me in trapped in heartbreaking relationships my whole life. Hate has never before held residency in my daily emotional vocabulary, but hate is something I have been feeling. Toward him.
When you learn to understand the shortcomings of a person, the reasons why they have personality defects, it makes it easier to accept that their behavior is not your fault. It makes it easier to understand that you cannot change them. You can only change yourself, and sometimes that means walking away. Sometimes this understanding even lets you forgive them.
I did all that forgiving during the 8+ years we were together. Now, finally, four years later, I am letting myself feel the rage.
He left me in the desert, once. Driving down a dirt road while he vented in his sickly hot I'm-not-yelling voice about something benign I had said that had triggered him into crazy accusations that I wanted to leave him so I could go be a lesbian. The car stopped for some reason. Maybe I asked him to stop it, I don't remember. I just remember needing to get out. And then suddenly he was a dust cloud rambling down a road in the middle of the Mojave Desert. I stood there in disbelief. I remember laughing. He disappeared over a ridge half a mile down the road. I sat down for a bit, thinking he might come back. He didn't. I started walking. When I made it to the ridge there was the car on the other side, parked, idling with the AC on, waiting for me to come crawling back. It was the desert. High noon. I had no water. I didn't have any choice but to succumb to his manipulation.
He ruined every trip we took. His favorite revenge when he was angry was to drive erratically on highways and winding roads to scare me. I endured it. And I stayed with him. Why did I stay with him?? I think of the me I was then and I just want to hold her, cry with her, beg her to see who she is, beg her to leave him. She wouldn't, though. Not for many more years. She wasn't ready to acknowledge the strength that she hid under a blanket of endurance.
I am so sad for her.
Now the days roll by, easy, simple, solitary days of work, crows, travel, adventure, and a little dog. It gets lonely. It does get very lonely. Some days I want to do something about that. Other days I breath in my freedom and feel such fucking relief. Relief that, by comparison in the processing of the past, feels like genuine contentment.
I know I won't make the same mistakes again. No more abuse, I said in couples therapy when I finally broke up with him. I've stayed true to that. I know I can make good choices and find good people. I know I am ready to go out and forge various new types of relationships. I'm not sure that I want to. Maybe I just want to be alone for a while longer. Maybe I want a part-time boyfriend that lives at least 50 miles away. Maybe I want to go meet people on a hiking club hike that doesn't start at fuckyou6am. I'm not sure what I want. WHAT THE FUCK DO I WANT?
Maybe I don't want anything and that's fine.

All pictures and words copyright Anna Horvitz (me) and cannot be used without my consent.


Your ex sounds like a real charmer. I'm glad you got away from that. If someone ditched me in the desert I'm pretty sure that would be a justifiable homicide once I made it back to the car.

a hiking club hike that doesn't start at fuckyou6am

Yeah 6am is for sleeping. Not sure why there are so many hiking and running clubs out there that don't seem to understand that.

If someone ditched me in the desert I'm pretty sure that would be a justifiable homicide once I made it back to the car

Damn, I shoulda done that. I mean, desert. Plenty of places to ditch the body. Only person that woulda missed him was his probation officer. 😆😔

Yeah. I know a lot about hiding bodies in deserts. Practice makes perfect as my probation officer used to say before I killed him and hid his body in the desert.

Now I'm gonna be up late trying to figure out where you put that body. I though I had them all accounted for. You really are a pro bodystasher. This is better than easter.

The world in the eyes of a crow - that crow up there with the sphere eyes, he might be god. Just sayin.

Man, it's stories like that that make me glad I live across the country from a desert. I'm glad you are you, and that you are here doing your thing. Not wanting anything sounds pretty good. It seems like often the things that you want you figure out after they've already found you anyway.

Bravely is definitely some kind of divine creature, but all crows are.

Thanks 🖤 and yeah, mostly I want to just let things happen instead of going out looking for them. But times have been very slow lately so most things don't happen unless I give them a little gas. Maybe not doing anything about it is a way of giving them gas, though. Or eating beans and cherries could do that, too.

It's all a beans and cherries scam. If I learned anything in life it's that you get the things you need, less than what you want. Sometimes needs and wants coincide. Enjoy your crows and being you. As for kids, they are a powerful motivator but its also a privilege not to have to sacrifice your life to theirs. You have your life, enjoy it. Change happens once the work has been done. Nature abhors a vacuum and anyway, you would be depriving us of you crow wisdom....

You're right. If I'm gonna have beans and cherries, I should keep my gas for myself.
More crow wisdom, coming right up!

Thanks for the kindness.

I feel deeply what you have been through. It's hard to get rid of a narcissistic guy, but you did, and that's a huge achievement. Surely you know: The earth is below you, the sky is above you, and the ladder is inside you! With compassionate hugs from Hungary: Zsuzsi

Thank you for your Hungarian hugs 🖤
Ahhh, the infinite internal ladder. Thankful to know it exists, even if the climbing never stops.