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RE: It's not a shit day.

in #life • 2 years ago

Bravely is definitely some kind of divine creature, but all crows are.

Thanks 🖤 and yeah, mostly I want to just let things happen instead of going out looking for them. But times have been very slow lately so most things don't happen unless I give them a little gas. Maybe not doing anything about it is a way of giving them gas, though. Or eating beans and cherries could do that, too.


It's all a beans and cherries scam. If I learned anything in life it's that you get the things you need, less than what you want. Sometimes needs and wants coincide. Enjoy your crows and being you. As for kids, they are a powerful motivator but its also a privilege not to have to sacrifice your life to theirs. You have your life, enjoy it. Change happens once the work has been done. Nature abhors a vacuum and anyway, you would be depriving us of you crow wisdom....

You're right. If I'm gonna have beans and cherries, I should keep my gas for myself.
More crow wisdom, coming right up!

Thanks for the kindness.