Having a flu is annoying :(

in #life25 days ago

I woke up with a heavy feeling in my upper back and felt discomfort in my limbs. Confused by how I felt, I realized I was about to get the flu. And then, I remembered that I was caught under a drizzle a few days back. How annoying is that? I never thought a simple drizzle would cause me to have a flu. I guess it was building up in the past few weeks and then getting wet on a warm day has become that final cause.


It only shows how irresponsible I am when it comes to my health care. I have this tendency to neglect the symptoms until I finally get sick. It got me worried since I have a lot of things that I have to settle at my job that will be compounded if I won't be able to work for a few days.

Eventually, I decided to inform my office that I wouldn't be able to work today because I wasn't feeling well.

Frankly speaking, I don't enjoy having a sticking leave because it doesn't benefit me in many ways. An unplanned leave like this will result in consequences that I will experience by the time I come back to work. It's never gonna work out because nobody will take care of my errands when I'm not around. I may end up working more on the day I come back for work because all of my tasks will stack up afterward.

It is what it is.

I realized that I couldn't do anything about it aside from going to the clinic and getting the medicines that I needed to remedy my flu.

The doctor checked my breathing and found out that there was a build-up of phlegm on my chest so he prescribed antibiotics, pills for phlegm relief, and lozenges for my sore throat.

My doctor didn't test me for Covid as if he's already sure that I have the virus.

According to him, the number of Covid cases has been rising recently so I was advised to distance myself from my family or household because they may catch the virus that I'm having. I never thought that Covid is still a big deal nowadays but of course, I would follow the advice just to be sure that I won't cause anyone to get infected as well.

It may be just a simple flu but it doesn't feel good to have one so I intend to get better in the next 2 days and be back to work as soon as possible.

Curamax Footer.jpg


Sorry, is covid still alive??

It only shows how irresponsible I am when it comes to my health care.

True, Because from my experience, ever since I became alert about my health, I have had a fever only once. And it has been 3 years since this happened. Whenever I feel even the slightest early flu symptoms, I have easy-to-digest food and take some mild medicines the same night and sleep and everything becomes fine till the next morning.

Although this doesn't always work, if we do not care for ourselves, how will we take care of our loved ones? I hope it's just a mild flu and not Covid and you'll be fine in 1-2 days. :)

Sorry, is covid still alive??

It seems it is. Some offices shut down for a week because of the cases of Covid. Even my doctor is urging me to take a test just to be sure to tell what I got.

What you said here about personal healthcare is good advise. I appreciate it.

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