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RE: Having a flu is annoying :(

in #lifelast month

Sorry, is covid still alive??

It only shows how irresponsible I am when it comes to my health care.

True, Because from my experience, ever since I became alert about my health, I have had a fever only once. And it has been 3 years since this happened. Whenever I feel even the slightest early flu symptoms, I have easy-to-digest food and take some mild medicines the same night and sleep and everything becomes fine till the next morning.

Although this doesn't always work, if we do not care for ourselves, how will we take care of our loved ones? I hope it's just a mild flu and not Covid and you'll be fine in 1-2 days. :)


Sorry, is covid still alive??

It seems it is. Some offices shut down for a week because of the cases of Covid. Even my doctor is urging me to take a test just to be sure to tell what I got.

What you said here about personal healthcare is good advise. I appreciate it.