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RE: Looks like my brother is doing something better than me (2022.02.18)

in #life2 years ago

I just try to point out that there are different options ^^ And yes all of them take decisions.

Also, I think its kinda just a mindset to some degree, which can obviously be very hard to change


Maybe so. I think it is hard to know until you have experienced it.

Wish thing? Not trusting people or living with strangers??

The point is, this could be a way out and for a way to live better.
There is a lot of shit all of us haven't tried, but is that really going to hold us back and not move forward?

It's hard to know what it is like to live in Hungary with multiple disabilities and not enough money unless you have experienced it. That is what I meant. I feel we are ill qualified to comment on what might be a good solution for @xplosive.

It's easy to suggest things, but sometimes we underestimate the difficulty to someone else's situation.

When my daughter was little, for example, many people had parenting tips, but she was mentally ill, and their parenting tips, well meaning, did not work on her, and only made me feel more frustrated and inadequate than I already felt. That is why I try (often unsuccessfully) to be careful with advice.

It can be so frustrating when someone gives you advice that is not advice you are unwilling to take, but that is totally inappropriate for your situation. My philosophy is that we have to trust each person to know what is or is not appropriate. I feel this is particularly true here on Hive because there is such diversity in terms of culture, beliefs, religion, location, etc.

To borrow a cliché, you cannot know what it is like to be another person until you have walked a mile in their shoes.