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RE: When was the last time you cried?

in #life5 years ago

The last time I cried? 8 years ago. It was my second year in secondary school and (being a star student that time), I had disappointed my English teacher so bad and she flogged me lol. Flogging in schools is normal in Nigeria btw. So my English teacher insisted that I would cry before she left me alone, since I was jovial half the time. I had to force tears to satisfy her.

But 2015 was a bad year. Dad's business was taking a knock and all my remaining 3 grandparents kicked the bucket. I wished I could let out tears, genuinely, but in vain.
My neighbour Ned died the following year, shot dead by the police in a death inexplicable till death. My dog died the same year.
A bunch of tragedies but tears seem alien to me. I resolved to writing tragic stories in a bid to ameliorate whatever emotion I was feeling


Ha, we certainly don't have flogging here! Hope that didn't happen again.
2015 doesn't sound like a good year indeed, lots of losses, I'm sorry to hear. Crying is not easy for everyone - if writing is what you do to process than that sounds like a healthy way to recover from your losses. Thank you for sharing!