Sensory Overload

in #life4 years ago (edited)

I woke up to the sound of startled dogs barking incessantly. I couldn't believe I was painfully awake at 6:38 AM after having been slept at 2:10 AM. I need my 8-hour beauty sleep you sleep stealing monsters. Don't underestimate the possibility of me going mental (you don't wish) if my precious sleep has been interrupted at an ungodly hour. Some people need to reschedule their shady activities so as not to wake me up. It's only during midnight that the surroundings become ideal for living and I find myself in nocturnal heaven even just for a brief moment. While everyone's peacefully unconscious, more often than not, I pray to the universe that they stay that way. Like really. But the universe hasn't been kind to me these days. I don't know why.

I guess some of you are already familiar with this rant. Noisy neighbors, barking dogs, breathing humans, crowing roosters, crying babies, and all that noise that pollute this planet. Maybe people talking at the same time is the real cause of global warming for all we know. I had ranted about noise many times in the past now I couldn't help but wonder, is it me? Or is it the rooster?

Maybe this is psychological that I'm scared to admit. It feels like having a dirty little secret. So maybe I am experiencing this fancy term called Sensory Overload. Google says it happens when your body gets overstimulated by some environmental elements such as crowding, urbanization, mass media, technology, and TMI. It is when one or more of your body’s five senses become overwhelmed.

I am too sensitive so I have a violent reaction to unnecessary noises such as clanking plates, evil kids shrieking, evil people talking loudly, evil kitty meowing, evil roosters crowing at 3:00 AM, angry dogs barking, and all that noise offensive to sane human beings. It is just hard to concentrate on what I am doing and my brain can't take it. The only peaceful area in my apartment right now is the bathroom and I am thinking of setting up my desk there now. Any concerned citizens should probably ensure that all sharp and harmful objects are not within my reach. Otherwise, knives will be thrown and all hell breaks loose in this crazy town.

Ok don't worry, it's not that bad. Maybe I don't have the worst case of sensory overload anxiety or whatever, yet.

I tried all possible solutions to minimize sensory overload triggers like closing the doors and windows, listening to white noise, turning my old school AC on, and other ways to at least block the unwanted noise. I am really quite desperate for silence and total focus.

Like right now as I write this, my neighbor's kid is crying out for attention through a series of unforgivable piercing screams. It drives me crazy and totally ruins my writing mood to be honest. Okay, let's not make the kid evil here. The mother should probably know how to discipline. Listening to her kid's cries every day makes me extremely grateful that I don't have one. I mean, just imagine a diabolical mother. I am enough and it ends here.

I feel like this place is very unforgiving and insensitive to sensitive people. I am talking about the whole island. And everywhere I go, it will be the same. Most people here are fond of all the noise, community, gathering, sticking their noses where they don't belong, and all that annoying stuff. I hope it's just as easy as packing my stuff and go. Or renting a posh apartment in a posh neighborhood where everyone minds their own business. Comfort and privacy are such a luxury here. Honestly, I don't know anymore how to thrive in a world that wasn't designed for me.

So please, just let me drown in silence.

Sensory Overload.jpg

previously, previously, previously,

It Could Have Been Us Minus the Fish


That sucks.
I feel your pain, although in my current neighborhood, there's only one barking dog.
Sirens, fireworks and gunshots all day every day.
Also, my neighbor has a stereo in his SUV that shakes the floor of my 3rd story apartment. I'm sure he has given himself permanent hearing damage by now.

I hope you find peace...

Sirens, fireworks and gunshots all day every day.

That's scary! It sounds like a warzone. I hope you're safe with all the riots there.

Haha not the way to wake. Currently I am waking to sheep and going to sleep to them too; but real ones. The field next to me if full, kinda relaxing in a way 💯🐒

literal sheep haha.🐑🐑🐑

I know it is not easy to get used to, but you can wear earplugs. I use them when I have to spend the night at hotels for business. The foam ones are not that uncomfortable, you squeeze them and when introduced in your ear, they grow and completely fit to get you away from most of the noise.

That peaceful water in the photo looks like a great place to relax. Don't fall sleep! 😃

Yeah I wear earplugs too maybe I need something effective. Like the one advertised on FB.

That peaceful water in the photo looks like a great place to relax. Don't fall sleep!

And so very clear too! Thanks for following my blog! 😊