
I never thought of that in the medical world!! I remember having to Google a shitload if the doctors notes on my brother when he had his stroke. Acronyms can be a very good disguise!

And yeah, having to be appraised by an absolute cockmonkey is shit!!!

There you go. Exactly that. Most people won't go through that much trouble to decipher what it says. Disguises! :) They really are.

Oh, it is almost in the middle of your night, my best time to write. What is it about the middle of the night that spins a story, an idea, something worthy?

I do my best writing in the morning! Although I do get my best ideas at night. Writing is a funny business. I shall go and see your night writing!

Ha! Didn't happen. Best laid plans and all that. I hope you have a splendid weekend.