Odds and Ends

in #life7 months ago

Yet another uneventful weekend with nothing going on, so I'm making use of this window in time to contribute to the community here on Hive. These unplanned posts can be some of the most fun, as they're compiled on the fly, by sharing whatever's going on at the moment. No pressure or fuss about it, just a good old-fashioned slice of life, in the all-too-present present.

I wrote 5 comments today, and it was fun scrolling around to find interesting posts to engage with. I even managed to get some responses back, which is always nice. I was smart this time, and sought out new posts, which increased the odds that the author might still be lurking around.

Today was also a day of getting rid of some old things that had been lying around and taking up space. I love helping people out by matching items that I no longer need, with people that can make good use of them. I gave away some ring lights, a starter mixer and some other equipment, to a guy who said that his teenaged daughter could use them to make better YouTube videos. Glad they found a good home.

Found some old stuff I didn't know I had, that can be used in a future venture (don't you just love it when that happens?). I'm generally in a very happy place in my life right now, with no complaints. I'm healthy, live in a country that I love, and have access to information undreamed of just 100 years ago.

I can still remember the dawn of the blockchain back in 2009/10, and how so many people here thought that crypto would be seen as counterfeit money. My, how wrong they were, and how far we've come since then. I'm so glad I was able to experience the early days of Steemit, which led me to where we are now on Hive. I can see the far vista, and the future is full of boundless opportunities just waiting to be discovered. Aren't you glad you're here?

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