Why I don't like job interviews

in #life7 years ago

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I really hate going to job interviews. The reason I hate it, is because I feel I can not be myself. It seems that a company just makes a decision based on how you look. Physical or your ethnic origin can be a huge main factor a company will hire you or not. I feel that a company already knows you before you even speak any word. They look at you and already make a decision in their mind wether they will hire you or not.

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You know people always say that you only get one chance to make that first impression. I totally disagree with this. I think we should know people more than just the first meeting. Give the person a few days a chance to see how that person is doing her/his job. Isn't it the work one is delivering what is counting the most? Ofcourse if someone is rude or comes too late without apologising, then it might be a good reason not to hire that person. But what if that person is on time, dress appropriate for the interview, prepared everything? Are we still judging the person based on how they look and what ethnic origin the person has? It is just such a pity that companies just want a certain type of person. Maybe they are only looking for male candidates and other companies just want blonde candidates. Other companies want only very young people. I applied once for a job at Mango at a different city and I was surprised why they didn't hire me because I worked for that company before. (Yeah, I know I can get a better job than working in a shop, but I was desperately looking for a job closeby home that I can combine with my motherhood). Then I looked around in the shop at the employees. I realised that they were all young and blonde girls....

It seems like nowadays companies care less about your quilifications and your abilities. They care more about their wallet. They want to hire cheap people and those cheap people aren't people in their 30's and high educated. They look for teenagers that they don't have to pay so much. It's sad, but when I go to a sushi restaurant, doesn't matter which one, and I ask one of the waitresses who is obviously still a teenager what meat is inside, she doesn't know what is inside the sushi. This didn't happen once but multiple times, only with the very young waiters/waitresses. I am curious what is inside a certain dish so I ask. I expect the waiters and waitresses know what they are serving the guests. When I worked in restaurants years ago, when I was still a student, I had to memorise the menu and if I didn't know something, I should ask the manager. Only when I memorise the entire menu with their main ingredients, I could start. But these girls and boys at the sushi restaurants seem not to know much about the menu itself. They just "serve" like robots.

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Another thing what I don't like when I have an interview is a fake smile. I am not good at all in faking a smile and I also don't like to see an employer or anyone with a fake smile. A smile is good, but is it a natural smile? A smile with good intention or a smile that says: "Just hire me quickly because my teeth are gettin dry!"?

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I am not a bubbly person at all, but it doesn't mean I can not make jokes or laugh about it. If you would like to know how my facial expression is most of the time, it is like this image above. Some people really can smile 24/7. I am really amazed. I wonder how they do that :-D. Is it natural that they can smile 24/7 or is it fake? I smile only when i hear good news, or hear/see something funny. If I would smile 24/7 I would have migraine all day and get wrinkles very quick. When there isn't anything funny to laugh, I just have a serious, neutral facial expression. Just can't do anything about it. But it doesn't mean that I am inside not happy. That is just the look or the shell. It is the inside what matters. My character and my talents, not how I look. I wish companies wouldn't be just looking at the shell but what's inside that shell. I wish companies people give candidates a chance by letting them work for a few days till they can make their decision. They could judge you by the work you deliver. I think they would see who I really am and that I am a real hard worker who is always on time and always ready to help people.

Annoying job interview questions

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Ugghh, those interview questions! They are so annoying! Top 8 annoying questions and how I prefer to answer them:

Why do you want this job?

Because I need money! Money to pay the bills and money to shop till I drop.

Why should we hire you?

Because I need money.

Where do you see yourself in five years?

Probably somewhere else, unless you give me a higher function with a higher salary.

What's your dream job?

Being my own boss and nobody telling me what to do.

Why are you leaving your current job?

Because I got bored and my manager isn't doing his job properly.

Why was there a gap in your employment?

None of your business actually, but if you insist, I was busy being a mother and being their for my kids.

Company references?

Seriously? You really think they would give you a positive opinion about me after I quit with them? They are probably also retired by now.

Do you still live with your parents?

Again, you ask me an annoying question. I know I look young, but I live with my husband and kids. Are we done now? When can I start?

Source Fake it till you make it. bilson-smiles.gif

So these were the questions that I really can not stand to answer. I know myself that I always try to be on time at work, deliver good work and help clients as good as possible but I guess I need to fake till I make it?

What annoying questions did you have at a job interview and what answers did you give?



Great post my dear friend. ☺💙

I completely agree with you.
Amazing article on job.
I appreciate your work.
Wish you a great success.

Thanks @fathin-shihab for sharing this post.

Been on both sides of this, I think it depends on what kind of jobs and some of those questions are all in an attempt to know if an individual is fit for the job.it could be experience, the company culture, ability to learn for the job they r hiring and so on. Sure there are people who ask annoying questions especially personal ones.

Some of the questions are not neccesary because it's written in your motivation letter and CV.

The most common who are you? and my answer is simple i'm a person with big dreams and a good personality. Regards

That is a short and brief answer :-)

I really understand the conditions in which to do an interview test, for me it is a difficulty to arrive, it is because it is quickly nervous, and speech language is not entirely correct when the interview arrives.

We all get nervous With job interviews....

hahah that straight answer is super duper amazing lol

Why do you want this job?
Because I need money!

:-). Money is at the end why we want a job.

We make a marketing ourselves at job interviews.It is a feeling of tension.

That's indeed marketing, selling ourselves.

I loved your answer,
being my own boss and nobody tells me what to do.
Happy week dear friend :)Good morning, good morning @fathin-shihab, I missed you, you make me laugh with your answers, the truth is that you are absolutely right, companies only care about your appearance, from the beginning you know if you have the job, or not, They should say it starting the interview ...

Awww, thank you :-). Yes, you are absolutely right, the interviewer should say directly, actualy before the interview what kind of person they are looking for based on the looks, so I don't have to waste my time. hehehe, yes, being my own boss would be thebest job ever. You too happy week @martha 75 :-)

ye a was doing 2 last week lying out of my ass "Sorry for my French"
just to get the foot in the door. is so stupid if u say ho u are. u never get a job if u are just sugar coating everything no problem.

It can be annoying to lie, and put a fake smile just to get hired, unless you are a born actor, then it is a piece of cake.

I have an experience of interview but impression down.

Nice post. I feel similar, the job interview is just an impression, but it not what you do and how you behave at work. Some persons are really good at this "exercise" but are a disaster at the job, while some persons will really f*ck up the interview while being talented at the job.

Facing this kind of annoying questions I will return a few similar "stupid" ones back to the interviewer(s), it is interesting to see their reaction: some of them will change the way they perform the interview, while some will continue the stupid robotic mechanic way (for ex. because they have so much turnover that they do not give a sh*t about anyone except themselves).

Hopefully, you will find something interesting pretty soon !

hahaha! Well, I guess I am that kind of person #2 :-D. That is a way to face annoying questions! But I think I would need some practice to answer annoying questions with "stupid" answers. Thank you, but I prefer to be my own boss. I will try, if not I will continue looking for work.

I did sit sometimes on the other side and as difficult as you find it when you go to an interview it is the same on the other side.
You don't know the person you interview and after asking a few questions you just have a subjective impression if he could handle it.
It's almost impossible until he/she works in the job that you know he can or can not do it.

What's your dream job?
Being my own boss and nobody telling me what to do.

In this case, you should go ahead and look to find a business yourself anyway.
No job in the world will fulfill you.
But be careful if you are your own Boss you will have your customers that tell you what to do and what not...

Yeah, maybe I didn't think about the person on the other side. But they do pick people they feel connected with rather than picking people out rationally. I would love to be successful with Forex trading, so I hope i will be successful with it. Then I don't have any customers to deal with :-D

Wanting to be successful with forex trading sounds a bit like wanting to be successful in playing casino. It can be fun when you win but just expensive if you are the one paying the winner.

I said the same before I started with Forex :-). But if you start or have a business, its exactly the same.

You are right on your way, A specific time is very necessary for checking the abilities of a person.
But job interview is necessary, because interview show the thinking level of person, which cannot be determine in a job experience.
Very good post @fathin-shihab, I am appreciate your post

Interview shows a little of thinking level of a person. thanks for reading.

its a great job

Very nice i like it
That's really great

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We can't get ascendency at interview.