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RE: Where The Bear?

in #life3 years ago

One year ago today, I left for my vacation in Florence, Italy. What was supposed to be 7 days in Florence ended up being 24 hours in Florence and the remainder trying to get myself to Frankfurt for our flight home.

Booked 3 flights - all cancelled then found out the airport was closed.
Booked a train through Austria - got to the station - Austria had closed their border 3 hours earlier.
Booked a train through Switzerland - success.
At the first platform after crossing into the Swiss border - military police boarded and sent all Italians and anyone else who couldn't prove that they were in transit back to Italy.
Then, we went to a concentration camp to get a much better perspective that this wasn't the worst thing that could happen.


Ouch, that sounds like bloody murder. It's certainly not what you expect from a cool vacation in Italy. Bloody covid has a lot to answer for!

The funny thing was ... It wasn't until they started closing the museums in Munich that my brain registered ... This is real.

Yeah, that is one scary episode to be put behind you. Now, the only thing left is getting the lockdown covid nonsense behind us too x

I'll drink to that ... well, and pretty much anything else.

