We know nothing about the world, The Shocking truth (featuring @njall as author)

in #life8 years ago (edited)

Attention: This post has been written by @njall

We know nothing about the world
How much do you think we know about reality in the 21st century?
I’ll tell you – terrifyingly little.
In fact, the only thing modern scientists do like some “jungle people” is just “picking” and stating facts: “Aha! The apple fell!”, “Fantastic! This molecule divided!”, “Wow! Those stars are so far from here!”.
Millions of books on collecting facts and extensive use of them are written, lots of universities and laboratories are built and the number of people working with facts is barely countable!
And the point is that all these efforts are aimed at nothing more, but statement of facts, understanding them and using complete with other facts, - that’s all.
That’s just all and nothing more. Humans have gathered loads of facts, but have they found a single cause of if? We look at one side of this “universal conspiracy” but why don’t we try to define the genesis of it all?

“The apple fell” – “Why?” – “Because of gravity” – “How does it work?” – “Heavier bodies attract lighter ones” – “Why is it so?”, and this chain of the following questions may be endless, yet there must be a starting point. Otherwise we can play this game forever, but gravity in itself is just another written fact as well as the fallen apple, but why does it happen? What “Great Programmer” has written this code? Why do things work exactly the way they do? For scientists, these are the toughest and most inconvenient questions that, if taken seriously, will prove that a human is no paragon of animals, but a species having lost its place in this world.
I want to show life from the other side, the side of freedom from dry scientific dogmas, where we are free and there is a “real we”* in this freedom.

  • About 90% of our Universe is composed of dark matter, meaning that we perceive only 1/10 of the whole of reality! Maybe even less, much less than that, since our “knowledge”, institutions, conceptions and developments are just cosmic dust, too tiny, yet extremely important.
    Just think of it – only 10%! Knowing nothing about the rest 90% of the Universe I don’t have the heart to say, “I know how the world works, so this or that is a lie and pseudoscience”, this would be quite a silly and shallow judgment!

  • Do you know that about 20% of DNA is called “junk DNA”? It is called so, just because geneticists don’t know the purpose of those DNA-components! Earlier 90% of DNA had been considered to be noncoding (junk) before geneticists found the connection between those DNA-components and some biochemical processes. After that the percentage of noncoding DNA sharply decreased, but we still don’t know all their functions, besides a percentage is a rather subjective term, so nobody knows what may stand behind the rest 20%.
    Not 70, 80 or 90, but just a few percent of DNA separates a human from an ape, and the realization of it makes me sleepless at night - what stands behind 20%? What if “the key of evolution” is hidden in that “junk”?
    Scientists work hard to figure it out (special thanks to them), and the most important thing is not to fall into the trap of subjectiveness and scientific dryness, for if we know nothing about the world, then how can we call any theory a pseudo theory? Experience, real experience is what we should draw from in our judgments and nothing else.

  • You know, I can go on talking about that, but let’s have a look at one more interesting fact, shall we?
    Reality we perceive is a combination of signals sent by our sensory organs to our brain. The brain processes those signals and produces “an image of reality”, in which not the real world, but our imagination is reflected, which in turn can vary under certain circumstances and thereby change our reality.
    Routine is the only protection from inner change, it helps maintaining “stable reality” and safe living within an illusion, where one is guided by precise understanding of what is right or wrong.
    Have you ever heard about people who can see sounds? It’s not a joke, they’re real, well, of course their ability is considered to be a disease, but as a matter of fact it’s just their special perception of reality that differs from ours, so if you say those people have hallucinations, I say - you have no more arguments, than they do, since you can’t be so sure your hallucinations are more real than theirs just because your hallucinations are mass.

    (That's the way the picture is Melissa McCracken, she sees sounds and played the song "Prince – Joy In Repetition", it is called Synaesthesia)
    The whole world is a hallucination produced by our brains, and if we don’t go beyond the mind and don’t see a crystal-clear stream of universal consciousness, we won’t have a reason to argue about reality itself, since we won’t be right from the very beginning.

Thank you for your time. Based on the above, only one thing can be said for sure: “The world around us still remains a great mystery, we barely know anything about it and we are aware of only a small part of it, but this awareness raise even more questions and states facts, but doesn’t explain their origins. We must keep developing ourselves to cognize reality, because at the moment all the arguments and ideas are just talking about light and scenery between blind people. We should open up our eyes and start living, take a step to the next stage of human evolution, and to do that we must accept just one fact – we know nothing about the world”.


Attention: This post has been written by @njall

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Don't just follow me, follow the author as well, if you like their post @njall


Good on you for sharing someone else's post and giving them more exposure That's got my vote and 2 follows. ^_^

I try to give always interesting and useful information, and your attention the best award! :)

@njall @knozaki2015

Actually we do know a fair deal of information. You just made this post based on vast amount of information. I am not going to go bit by bit where you overgeneralise but here is one

Do you know that about 20% of DNA is called “junk DNA”? It is called so, just because geneticists don’t know the purpose of those DNA-components!

Is called junk because as evolved beings we don't need that code anymore or we barely use it. Also just because we discovered some amount to be useful in the past it doesn't mea it is so in the future.

These are various theories and DNA it isn't decrypted completely
Thank you @kyriacos that not just you read, but also you show high activity, it is pleasant to see it
And even if to take the fact of "uselessness" into account, question DNA remains a big riddle and together with the remaining facts the pattern of the world remains to the same

Thanks for sharing someone else post,I didnt know so much about it! The world is a mystery for sure! :D

It is time to learn about it all! :))
And to begin to live in harmony with a secret

Very interesting, thank! :))

I thank, I try for you

Nice! Thank @knozaki2015 and @njall

Yes, @knozaki2015 does a lot of work that talented authors and the useful material were published therefore and i wanna say - thanks @knozaki2015 :)

More precisely, most of the universe is composed of dark energy. The matter component of the universe is dominated by dark matter. :)

And we need to know about it more ;)

Am working on it ... ;)

'The whole world is a hallucination produced by our brains, and if we don’t go beyond the mind and don’t see a crystal-clear stream of universal consciousness, we won’t have a reason to argue about reality itself, since we won’t be right from the very beginning.'

i do not agree.

Mystery is mystery.

We do not know even how we perceive

Jeremy Narby - Biospheric TV

So we cannot say ' the world we see is an hallucination produced from our brains'. It is more--for me--the world is UNUTTERABLY real, and its depths of mystery are eternally depthLESS. This means that there never can be ever ever the fathoming of mystery.

LOL, this is why the concept and actuality of 'darkness' has freaked out the patriarchal mindsets for millennia. Because the pseudo-rational mind (rational function which identifies with its self and judges its organismic host and 'the unconscious, and nature as inferior, and/or chaos/danger) wants 'light', wants to 'know everything', and wants 'eventually' to know the *unknown' which is a contradiction. This mindset cannot rest easy with mystery as being in itself reality DEEPLY underlying its knowyness~~~

Consciousness still remains a riddle, thanks for the big and detailed comment of @julianoneill, I don't say that the secret will remain a secret, I believe that we can learn completely it and even to worry on the experience, more deep to use the mind, etc. therefore it is necessary to see these questions impartially and to study them, to research
And then it will become far simpler, and it is necessary to remember - almost all knowledge it is just theories, and theories can be close to the truth, but aren't it

consciousness is an emergent property of a sufficiently complex network.

Thanks for sharing this post. So much to learn and think about!

I am glad that was pleasant to you, it is a main goal of my publications :)

Knowing the creator of this world will lead you @njall to the understanding about the world we live in.

I completely agree with you, but not to cause a loud controversy, decided not to write this moment
And so, it is the single way to complete implementation and knowledge of, my judgement
Thank you @juvyjabian

I admire your knowledge on the existence of the things mentioned in your article.

My life is a knowledge
And it is very pleasant to me that there are people to whom it interesting, knowledge needs to share
Thanks :)

Yeah right, knowledge should not be keep within ourselves, it should shared to the community and let other people know.

of course, we don't know everything. But it's not really smart to say we know almost nothing. From antic times and middle age, we know a lot more knowledge. Dark matter and evolution of the universe are now a great interrogation, but a few decade ago, we didn't even know they exist. So keep optimism, these subjects will be clearer at the end of the century, but probably new ones will be questioned.

Here more difficult question, a technological way is only one of ways, and in sew time the science generally is the political and economic environment
The problem in consumer thinking, but is also many other ways of evolution which people can't see since they read only one way correct
It is mind illusion too

Love the way your mind works. Thank you for this, beautiful. oc

ps. the graphic with the fire ball creating a new 'galaxy or planet' is awesome!!

I thank you! I always try to convey information objectively to give the chance to the reader to see a situation in return, to derive a benefit and interest in a question
Yes, I approach design very seriously :)

"I know that i know nothing" - Socrates

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