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RE: My Final Plea: Why I'm Powering Down

in #life7 years ago

Alright. This is on the trending page. I really don't know whether to be sorry for you or jealous of you. I never get on the trending page. The most I ever got for a post was 40 bucks. Who's to say this begging article isn't worth $400?

I'm sorry to hear that your posts are getting less than ten these days. I get fewer on average than ten for sure. It's not necessarily that you were getting flagged by a big whale what also can be the causes a large growth of users on steemit just as the growth of users of Bitcoin has caused Bitcoin to get more Scarace the growth of users of steam will cause steam to get more Scarace but at the same time the reward pool will become more scarace. Writing for steem it will be more and more demanding.

Go dig deep and read my posts from time to time. Vote them up as it costs you nothing but only if you like them

I blame spelling mistakes on the voice android keyboard


10 months on Steemit and this is my first post on the trending page... and look at what it is!!! I pour my heart and soul into my writing a chapter of my story usually takes 6-8 hours to do. I figure that's worth something more than $8.00