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RE: Mindful Moments: Perfecting The Pause - Chapter One (for Beta-Readers)

in #life4 years ago

This book is going to be a wonderful help, especially now that we're going through such drastic changes! Thank you for trusting us with this Eric.
I'm really no language expert but am a real nit-picker, I edit my posts hundreds of times just to change one word! I suggest the following minor changes, sometimes just a comma moved and so forth, but perhaps I'm missing an emphasis, just my humble opinion.
...our brains have been hardwired to give first priority to negativity...
Today this kind of harmful predator is...
If you live in a first world nation today, you statistically live...
Disharmony has become the norm, in as much that it’s very difficult...
Do your best not to consume...
This two week break will give your mind and body a chance to cleanse itself.
This new positive emotional...
...that will be an incubator for the birth of a new state of mindfulness.


I really hope this is the case, Lizelle. The timing of it is a bit late but I think the world will be suffering from the repercussions of this virus (and the reaction to it) for some time to come.

I need nit-pickers so it'll be perfect! Lol. Thank you for pointing out those issues! I'll fix them in the manuscript. This is just what I was hoping for.

Thanks for the comment and the support!

That's for sure especially with the massive job losses and all the negativity in the media so I believe your advice of a two week media detox is excellent!

Thank you my friend! We have the added negativity of the Presidential elections coming up. If you've been following it in the news you'll know it's ramping up to be a real circus too.