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RE: A Broken World Full Of Gifts

in #life6 years ago

First of all, thanks for the useful tips because it will help us to achieve our goals. I too have some problems or I can say barriers which I need to overcome to achieve my goals and i am putting my efforts towards it. Once again thank you bro.


@lovecreativity, we all have our different experiences, i understand you fully, one of the reasons i have not been active here on steemit as i used to was actually lack of moral and depression. I had issues doing what i liked. But i read one of @humanearl post about

Why Burnout & Depression Were The Best Things That Happened To Me.

I felt motivated to begin my posting. I havent really been consistent, but i am pretty sure i dont just resteem other peoples post alone, i now have my own posts now, i have all the energy to post quality content, which i know that soon enough sincere steemians would soon begin to resteem too. :)) Isnt that a great feeling.
If you really want to know the whole detail about how i overcame and started posting, i would brief you here.

@lovecreativity It's hard for all of us to move towards what we envision for our lives. We have to take thing one step at a time sometimes. I have witnessed fear cripple people to the point that they won't do anything regarding their goals. But we have the power to overcome fear.

@georgechuks It suck to hear about people's struggle with depression. I did notice recently thought that you have taken steps to start creating more. This is good and it is even better if this is something you truly enjoy. You have tons of wisdom to share.