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RE: A kick up the arse - time to focus

in #life4 years ago

Pffft. Should have chosen guitar!!

Good luck dude. I hope you get the go ahead and can take that punt on a better, hotter life!


Punt. I know what you really meant boomdawg.

You got me bang to rights, guvnor!! :OD

I think you have a typo, you have a p there, not a c.

Lol. Yes indeed, that damn autocorrect ;0)

I feel like I just stepped into a autocorrect porn show. :))

It was a close decision! I can play a few chords on the guitar but not studied it with books. If I can't sort the two-handed thing on the Piano over the coming months I'll go back to the strings and do it properly this time.

Thanks buddy, would be a sweet deal for sure!

Hey Asher! if your cheapo keyboard has a MIDI interface and since apparently you are in more control of your two hands on a guitar than on keyboards. Why the hell you don't just purchase one of these MIDI thingies and then kill two birds with one stone?

Prolly with one of these gadgets you'll be able to make a shitty song faster that we can freaken recognize. Hahahaha

I want to learn to play an instrument!

Yes, we already know that mate. But if the MIDI thing doesn't seem like a good idea for that purpose, maracas will always gonna exist. You know?

Oh! although in this case, you may also have to learn to coordinate the movement of what each one of your hands does to master fully the instrument. :)