
I was the same to0, just trying to fit in, and I still don't. I am like a bad smell though that never goes away. It has been a great journey since I stopped been so serious.
Nice post great comment :D

Hehe, carry on doing your thing and talking to people is absolutely the best way

cheers mr @meesterboom :D your a legend

I'm just a man with an exceptionally thick penis :OD

I thought that was a banana.

Dammit, it is. Well that's me royally goosed then!

Your wife... does she know?

It's like we all start out running before we even learn how to walk. And you're right; anyone who has anything to show for this effort took a few steps back, recalibrated, then made a nice slow and steady progression to where they are today.

Aw thats a very poetic way of putting it. Yes indeedy! Its the stepping back and recalibrating that makes you.

I always wanted to write and had tried a little here and there but it took a blogging platform for me to realise that I could and I was perplexed as to why I hadnt!. How mad is that?

The basics of what I do now actually started when I was about fifteen years old, while visiting and attempting to entertain people within various chat rooms around the internet. If it wasn't for those experiences, I wouldn't even know how to type as fast as I do. Had to be quick with those little one liners and that was impossible if I was busy hunting for keys. Getting older, online games... I'd get shot, die, have to wait until the next round; so I'd sit and try to get a few laughs in chat... or argue with people and make them feel dumb with some quick wit I used to carry around with me everywhere I went. Damn, I miss having that.

Yeah, I got to be quite quick-fingered from the old chat room days to keep up!