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RE: And Life Goes On...

in #lifelast year

I hope the Agency thing pans out. So many sharks and grifters in the game for everything these days.

The paw print is amazing isn't it? It must bring a smile to your face looking at it even with the sadness.

I will have to check out Mr Rubin's book. He has produced a lot of great artists and I think I would like it. I am sure he has done a few rock/metal guys that I like


Thank you! Yes, after dealing with the sharks for over thirty years I'm a little cautious when these types of "opportunities" spontaneously appear. After a little research my assessment is they're very legit but were casting a wide net just to find "new talent". With a lot of luck I managed to do okay outside of the traditional publishing world and I think I'll be staying right where I'm at. Lol.

The paw print is a really good way to remember him. It'll be great once the tattoo is done, we get them Feb 7th..just before we leave for Arizona.

The book is amazing so far, I would highly recommend it. Yeah, I forgot he produced some metal acts too. I feel like he was kind of the architect of my teenage years! If you want a glimpse of some of the wisdom in the book check out Rick Rubins appearances on Joe Rogan and Lex Fridman's podcasts.