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Hehe, aw thanks missus. that was me just being cheeky about those lazy tykes who post a trashy no effort shadow I like good shadows!! πŸ˜€πŸ˜€

Usually those trashy shadow posts are coming from newbies. The contest is a easy starting place for them to learn how to post, learn to copy their link into a comment on the contest post and receive a couple of comments for their efforts.
I like helping them get off to a good start and seeing them move on to become active members of Hive is rewarding!

I love it when people start off and become good hivers. Puts a shine on the day!

Me too, and paying attention to details, like shadows also teaches them to compose better photos sorry... Must defend my community! 🀣

Next time I'm throwing shade... (Gettit! πŸ˜€) I will aim at a different one!! Bloody tree Tuesday!! 😜🀣😜🀣

Hahaha! πŸ˜‚