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RE: Ulysses

in #life2 years ago

I can now confirm that power outage was not for a short while. They screwed up royally and then again when trying to sort it. The water came back first, just icy cold. Kind of gave me a taste of how things could be, since the tenants were up in arms down in the lobby (minus guns, just armed with cell phones).

There is always next weekend for the party of thousands ;OD

😂 about 14 million in this city, so good times if the whole city goes down (happened once before but only about 8 hours).

Flamenco?! Okay, I'm liking that endorsement. I must get some then to try it out. I know I'll bust more strings, so was already thinking on getting a couple back up sets.


Those damn power company mofos!! You definitely had it hard compared to my baby power cut the other week. We just had a taste, enough to be exciting but not enough to bea pain in the arse. I do like icy cold water from the tap. It's the best bit about winter!

And yes, flamenco!! I used to be a typical string man but I was always searching for the brought flamenco sound and when I saw some random dude swear by these strings for that sound, obviously it's not all the settings but still, it made me think they were worth a shot and besides, they look awfully cool. True to the guys word they do have that brightness which I think sounds lovely.

It shows the value in having simple things like light to do tasks. Icy cold from the tap, yes it is nice but not drinkable here (metals, chemicals, and who knows what else makes it that way). I bet you'd also like the polar bear plunge.

Okay, I'm sold on those strings. I must try them out. Really liking how you describe the sound.