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RE: 13 Miles to HELL

in #life2 years ago

It's terrible, but I tend to think of Scotland as being far more interesting than Canada.

I bet you had a wild time exploring like that. Would love to see photos of such things, totally the kind of thing that would get my interest at any age. Maybe you could do a post about that? I really want to hear more.

Toronto is not so boring as I would have thought. Have you ever been over to Canada or the US?

I should really post more sightseeing posts. They get in the way of my attempts to be funny 😀😀

Do NOT lose the FUNNY, not ever!

That said, I do enjoy reading your posts, regardless. I'd never seen a white peacock, still can't forget that one.


I havent been to any of them. America or the US. Iwould like to visit both. I imagine them as being quite exotic. Toronto always sounded so when we were young. Still does!

There is a lot in Scotland. At the same time there is a lot of shit in it as well. lol.

I hadn't seen one either, I was blown away!

The expression (my alteration)..."The land always looks exoticamax when across the water". From my perspective, Scotland would be the exotic one. See how that works? LOL.

Toronto exotic! LMAO! Oh those entitled butts here would love to hear that. If you peel away the shiny wrapping paper of this city, maybe dig down below the mud remains (used to be called "Muddy York"), you have a solid chance of finding some exotic things.

There is a lot in Scotland. At the same time there is a lot of shit in it as well. lol

Hand in hand....can't have non-shite without the shite. Besides, no way to know something isn't shite, unless you have shite to contrast it with.

First time you saw a white peacock too, well, well. I'd be hunting for feather droppings...not to eat of course, that would be painful.

It is true, you need that contrast to tell the difference. Exotic is always a matter of perspective. I remember when I worked in London for a short while I was desperate to the the fuck out of there after only a matter of days.

I fear I scared the beast too much by hounding it for a photo like some kind of evil bird paparazzi :OD

It's something someone said to me a long time ago that stuck with me. It's really about what the right fit is for a person and then that changes over time as well. London...definitely not my cuppa, from what I know without going there, totally get your desperation to get out of there.

LOL, you two legged peacock stalker, for shame! It's a wonder it didn't drop feathers in fear. I've touched them, but not white ones. Maybe try photo stalking an emu? That could be exciting, heehee.