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RE: The State of the @NoNamesLeftToUse Address: Last Call for Alcohol

in #life4 years ago (edited)

You're not able to differentiate from old concepts and new concepts. You're not able to see how in this context, the consumer BECOMES the investor.

Not every content creator is successful. Much like how not every book becomes a best seller. More fail than succeed. The industry still makes billions.

it's common for people with your level of intellect

I ignore lines like this, your laughing, etc. It's not my fault you think I'm an idiot.

This conversation is over. It's a post about bullies and I don't feel like dealing with another one.


It's a new concept because you thought it up? Like all the misfacts you thought up to try and argue a point only you think, very conceded why to think and live your life.

Yes I said your level of intellect because of your veiled comments you constantly throw around that are very passive aggressive and unbecoming of any human.

Have a nice day.