Cleo And Me

in #life6 years ago

It's Friday The Thirteenth!

The number 13 is good luck for me.

Back in the early 60s I came into this world on a Friday the thirteenth, feet first to my doctors and Mom's surprise.

Photo taken with my ipad

I haven't posted a selfie in I don't know how long. I thought my new Steemit followers would like to see who Red Dust is and her favorite and only cat Cleo. I found Cleo when she was around eight weeks old at Tulsa's American Legion Post #1 hiding in a pile of firewood. I stuck her in my pocket, and she has been with our family for three years. My how time flies!

A huge storm is rolling through Tulsa Oklahoma right now, and many times I get a migraine from the change in pressure. Today I was able to sidestep the headache drinking lots of water, taking Feverfew an herb that is helpful in relieving the pain of migraines and using vipassana mediation to take the pain apart and let it blow away like dust in the wind.

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Cats, sorry I hate them. They catch birds at my garden and making land mines (They hide their sh!t) :D Therefore, I hate them most! But this is a nice photography my dear friend!


@theguruasia, you and my husband would make good friends. He puts up with Cleo because I bake him cookies and serve him coffee every morning before work. It's a trade off (hugs)

You actually look younger that i thought
And every year on friday the 13th i watch friday the 13th

I don't like to watch horror unless it is silly like Zombieland, my favorite zombie horror flick....

I am proud to say I look like this all the time unless I have to go to a professional function then I add some makeup and fix my hair. I go for the absolutely zero effort and healthy <3 Love you and your family @steemitwarrior

Thank you you really are awesome

Hmmm, interesting. I don't think I've ever heard anyone else say that the number 13 is lucky for them. That's actually kind of refreshing to hear. :)

I miss my cat. We had to put the little guy down almost exactly a year ago - taken down by diabetes. Ah, such is life. Great memories of him though.

Gonna need to put some music on to get that old Kansas tune out of my head - very subtle of you to do so, not that I mind so much.

Have an awesome, migraine-free, day!

Thank you @sminchow, nice to meet so many cat lovers too, Dust in The Wind, is one of my favorite songs growing up. It brings back so many memories four-wheeling up in the Oregon mountains and partying the night away with me friends back in the 1970s.

Ahh, it is lovely to see you and Cleo😊 And the early 60's produced some of my favorite people, my husband, my mom, and an incredibly forthright and talented artist that draws extinct reptilian sized riding poultry! Hope your life wanderings have been most amusing.

We didn't have computers, very little mindless entertainment and junk-food... we were allowed to free-range for play, I was out playing on my own all day by the time I was eight years old...I think that is why generations before mass entertainment are the most creative people and also some of the hardest working people. Many of us grew up on farms and had to shovel shit, real shit not video game shit coins....

Cleo just came and gave me a hug, she is shedding, it's time for me to stop wearing black...hahaha

Ha ha! Oh, I bet you look smashing adorned in Cleo hair! I totally wear my cat follicle jewelry with pride😆 Love those kitty hugs.

And I so hear you on the free-range childhood thing, I truly was more horse, pegasus, or unicorn than human for the first twelve years of my life, and roamed the deep, dark woods of western Washington and Southeast Alaska with creative abandon. People of all ages need more "to be" time, non-structured, non-hovering, let it be time. As a fellow feces removal artist, I salute you and your formerly poo covered pants, Yay! Also, I might have momentarily expired from laughter after reading the shit coin sentence, you're a gem @reddust💓

And in that sentimental vein I shall now run away to craft something in my chaotic kitchen, but before I go I have to share what my Bennie the Bengal did last night. I was trying to get her stuffed banana toy out from under the butcher block last night and she did this to my face:


Feet first, could't wait to get your feet on the ground. :-) Cleo is a doll and so is her mommy.

Staying grounded is important, especially during lightening storms @manorvillemike...cuddling with pets is like taking a chill pill, they seem to have specially powers mitigating pain!

Got that right, they make me laugh and smile even when they are bad.

Happy Birthday, @reddust! This is indeed an auspicious day to be born on! Cleo is a lucky cat that you found her.

Today isn't my birthday but it is Friday the 13th, which is a lucky number and day for me! Thank you @cecicastor....I am lucky I found Cleo, she brings me comfort <3

thanks for sharing your experience with us keep sharing like this and keep your efforts like this you are always good luck man steemit community.i love your lovely's very cute.
have a nice day.
upvoted and resteem

Thank you kindly @ellianaa, I am going to take the day off and play with my art rather than write a serious artcle.

i hopefully ,you do start it's.
you success your of luck.


I came into this world ready to kickass! hahaha I am so bad at following rules I am beyond anarchy :p

Hello @redduts , I do not have a pet, but I love animals, I appreciate that they get special food for them, they deserve that and more.
Happy day :)

Animals help us stay connected to earth and nature. Thank you @martha75, Cleo is well fed!

@reddust, look at my last post, I know you're going to like it.

Thanks for sharing a photo of you and Cleo. Your Tulsa storms will be hitting us in MO later this evening.

It is amazing how our bodies react to the changes in weather. I can fill slight changes in pressure in my ears. Many storms can downright hurt. I have been applying peppermint oil directly to my scalp to help alleviate headaches. Hope that you can avoid a major migraine today.

Batten Down the Hatches @sumatranate! Storms can put me to sleep, give me a headache, or make me hyper active. I don't know why, but I think I am sensitive to pressure and electrical charges. Each storm is a little different and I can feel them coming before they arrive. I could be a weather reporter lolol

You could start a DLive channel for that reports on Tulsa news and weather. But from what I can tell you prefer being behind the scenes.

I like attention but not too would I report the weather using my body sensations you have me thinking, I’m thinking commedy 😂😂😂

How beautiful what you did for cloe I'm sure she loves you very much. I hope your head does not hurt anymore, I hope you have a good day blessings!♥

Funny thing about beauty, it no longer is important to me, I just want to be healthy now that I am approaching the grand age of 60! thank you for your kindness @denissemata

For a moment I also thought that today was your birthday

I guess everytime we wake up in the morning it is a birthday @denissemata. The little death of sleep and the birth of awakening <3

Well you are absolutely right, I love how you think ... Happy day and happy not birthday but yes, and the fact of being alive must be celebrated

I have a cute and smart cat
She was my favorite cat and I had her since she was a baby kitten.
She has soft grey fur and bright yellow eyes.
Every night Mochi sleep with me on my bed.
When I woke up,I feed her .
She always want to go outside to stretch her legs and explore.
She had claws sometime she had killed some small animals .

I love cats because they are so loyal to their human friends @aflatunnisa. They aren't as needy as dogs and can do just fine hunting for food too, they are self sufficient if domestic food isn't available.

Wow. this sounds good, my best friend was also born on 13th, i can safely say you are birthday mates. Cleo looks cute.

@factism, I don't think the number thirteen is bad or good, it is the value we place on the object, how we react to someting that can be bad or good...painful or not painful.

It is comments like "I picked her up and put her in my pocket" that really give you a view of where you've been and where you are now.

Remember when children were born? They were like this big and full of shit.

I have no recollection of time. These clues are the only thing that give me any bearing on when something was.

Be well

My sentence structure goes out the window along with all my grammar lessons when my head hurts...picking little Cleo makes me responsible for her and I think she feels the same. Now we will take care of each other until one of us passes away.

I still can't stand my feet touched or tickled, the doctors tickled my foot until I stuck both of them out...not a conventional memory, more like a muscle memory.

Hi, face! I hope the migraine goes away, and the storm as well. Now I have to ramble on for a bit, because you say you flag one-sentence comments. There we are.

lolol, go ahead and ramble, I don't mind, have a great weekend @ocrdu....lolol

I am sorry to hear of your migraines. They can be a real killer to a day. I saw Kansas in concert in Cedar Rapids, IA when I was in college. Always loved that song as it has a lot of meaning. Thanks. @reddust.

I never had migraines when I was younger. They started when I went into pre-menopause and some of them make it hard to see, my hearing becomes acute and painful, and I feel like throwing up...

I had to step back and change my way of eating and exercise to suit this new body. Now I can avoid headaches through diet and exercise and if one comes up I can usually mitigate it or lesson the pain through herbs, meditation, and accepting the fact I am getting old, you know, no overreacting! I find overacting doubles up my pain @enjoywithtroy and the song brings me comfort ;-)

Then on 13 sure seems like a lucky no for you .

And no wonder you and Cleo look pretty beautiful together sure has become a part of your nice family by the way :)

Thirteen was a good number, it is odd and so am I....hahahaha

Cleo is sweet, she cuddles with me when I don't feel well.

That is indeed so sweet to listen :)

Stay well both you and Cleo !

So beautiful. Dog is so cute

Cleo would be very upset if you called her a dog to her face @maicle, she is a cat and very vain. Cleo thinks she is the most beautiful cat on the block!

Your lucky number is 13 and mine is 15. Hehe.

Now this cat would the part of your family isn't it? Its a fact you start loving your pets and even cant see them in pain. May your cleo always remain healthy.
Btw what does cleo mean?

Cleo is short of Cleopatra, I pray we all find health and balance with a few laughs along the way @madiha!

@reddust I have a cat like your cat being a cat caty name is a type of short-legged munchkin but to me he was very funny, cute.
He is also very docile cat, I spent almost 24 hours of play with caty, we often do things together a wide variety ranging from toiletries, street, breakfast, etc.

Cat-Caty cat gives you lots of laughs and that is the best medicine of all @shihabieee, you are blessed to have such a good friend.

wow what a amazing relationship . I love to pet animal like you @reddust. I have a cat it nick name is #duggu.

I get along with cats better than dogs, cats aren't as needy....Mina my dog gets jealous when Cleo gets too much attention.

I'm glad to see you. I read your blog entries happily. Thank you for everything. @reddust

Thank you @turkishcrew, it is a good day to be alive! <3

In ancient times cats were worshipped as gods. They have not forgotten this.I have also a cat his name is Misty...

Tell Misty I said hello @prince121 and I can see why cats were worshipped as gods. I grew up on a farm and our cats kept our barn and house free of rats and mice. Cleo is a mighty mouse hunter too!

That is so sweet! Inber, I didn't realise you made little personalised pet portraits for other Steemians - you are a star.

Oh my goodness! I didn’t even realize it was Friday the 13th!

Let us celebrate odd numbers and people today @vermillionfox!


Oh, I forgot to ask. Did you ever do anything extra fun on your birthday when it would land on a Friday? Or retell the story of how you were born? I think it’s pretty cool that you were born feet first.

Maybe I will tell my birth story later, my Mom fell and I turned just before she went into labor....the doctors would tickle my a foot trying to catch both of them so they could pull me out...I usually stay quiet on my birthday, I don't go out when my birthday lands on a Friday the 13th, I don't want to tease the Gods of luck too much...hahaha

I hope you tell us more in the future. It sounds interesting already. Oh and I think that’s a wise choice to not tease because the rare occasions when I do tease (when playing card games) my luck falls slightly. 😅

Most of the time the Gods of luck don't bless me with their favor because I laugh at them all the time and tell them they need to learn the Dharma so they don't have to depend on luck :p

so cute photo.loving to your smile and your cat amazing relationship.
images (4).jpg

Thank you @robert31, although the pastel kitty picture is kind of freaking me out...hahaha that is so wrong!

but why?don't worry.

Because it looks like the poor kitties were dipped in dye even though I know the photo is is photoshopped lolol

Nice to meet you xx

Nice to meet you @aprilpeerless.

wow reddust you and your pet cleo looking so cute here especially he is kissing you haha cool is that first ever selfie right ??

Cleo can sense the huge pressure building up in my brain before my head explodes ... I have been trying to figure out the deep questions of life, like the dinosaur paradox and profiting form the misery from war and disease....sigh

I need to lighten up, that's what Cleo told me :p

why number 13 is unlucky and it is totally feel something like bogus boo. cleo is very lucky to get closer of you, you adopted her. there is few people who act and show some true love for the animal, most of people are buying from the shop store. hats off to you.

Thirteen is just another number, but it goes with my other favorite numbers, 1, 3, 11, and 13...they are my lucky numbers just because good things happened on these dates or they are birthdays off someone I love. The trick is to know when you are attaching meaning to something that doesn't correspond with the reality of that thing.

she has been with our family for three years

there will be good understanding between you and Cleo
i love the way cats make eye contact

Cleo talks through her eyes, she has her hunters stare, her leave me alone wide eyes, her half closed eyes that say I love you and I want to cuddle and her crazy eyes and she constantly talks when she is hungry....lolol

:), cool cat. Guess you were ready to run upon arrival. I like the #

Cleo is a good friend and very entertaining, thank goodness I don't have any allergies to animal dandruff!


The storm will hit us this evening

It is amazing how our organization responds to climate change that I can apply directly to my Scalp to help in relieving the headaches. Hope you can avoid a major migraine today.

The brunt of the storm passed to the south of us so we missed most of the rain and thunder...I do love storms, I like to sit out on our back porch and watch the rain and lightening and listen to the thunder

Cute cat. I try not to think too much about superstitions. Seems like if you put thought into it, like today is an unlucky day, then low and behold, unlucky things start happening to you.

You look beautiful tonight sister.

so...beautiful my sister
enjoy your life... DQmcqbhwwN3nei6hxvRfEe6CEZhwpPyWc2NpnLmAf1A6PMN_640x480.png

so cute photo
....loves frome cat
the lovely moment

 6 years ago  Reveal Comment

So can Mina and my birds! We just had a series of earthquakes a couple of days ago here in Tulsa Oklahoma. I think animals are sensitive to vibrations because everything wants to eat