The appeal of a shed ^_^

in #life6 years ago

I have to say that the sheds catch my attention everytime I see one f them. Maybe it's because I lived my childhood in a little village and there were a lot of little, old sheds to explore. Maybe it's because when I explore inside one of them I always discover some "treasures" like old tools, tiny parts of old things and a lot of "old style" atmosphere all around me.

My dad has a little shed in his garden, but in the lands of my father-in-law there are 4 different sheds, because in those lands live also the uncles of Paolo and it's a large area! Today I want to share with you some pics I took some days ago outside and inside one of the sheds in the fields of the father of my hubby. It's an old glasshouse where, in the past, they use to place the lemon trees and other plants during the winter. Now they are using this building just to store the tools, but the place has an interesting atmosphere for me.

There is the place for the little lawnmower, the uncle of my hubby bought it 3 years ago, when he thought to make a sort of "golf course" in a part of the land, because he loved to golf. At now, there's no golf courses in the lands, but the lawnmower is very useful to cut the grass all around ^_^

Inside the shed, when the sun shines, there is a nice light. The glass is not clean and so everything, there, looks in the shades of brown and a simple pic looks a vintage pic.

Can you feel the appeal of this shed? I did it.

I really love to stay between the nature, I love to walk alng the fields and I feel the appeal of a life lived out of the city. I know it's a hard kind of life, but I can't resist to feel that appeal.

Well, it's time to come back to my work,

see ya later


silvia beneforti

That's not a shed, it's a space station greenhouse. At least, that how I was raised.
I can smell the country air on that first photo - great light and contrasts of of brown and green.
I try not to talk about sheds too much, because one of mine has needed new roof felt since March. The tarpaulin looks lovely, though.

Also our shed/greenhouse needs something new, but I'm pretty sure it will be the same in the next months :D

Ohhh yes, i completely understand you!! I love nature as well and to spend time by walking. This could be a very cool place for a summer art studio! Such an inspiration all arround! Isn't it?))

I can image it like an art studio, it could be really the perfect place to work on art ^_^

nice photos collection :) Cheers!

Sheds play vital role in our environment. They protect direct sunlight from reaching us in our streets

I think so ^_^

Dear Silvia this pictures are so beautiful!