
Well, making a relevant reply to my post earns you a 100% upvote regardless.

Woot woot!! But was that upvote wheelchair accessible? We converted a in-law unit to be fully wheelchairable, the bathroom turned out most amazing.

Bathrooms are the most difficult area to design. 60" clear turning radius, a sink that has room to roll a chair underneath, grab bars around the toilet, and special bathing adaptations all make it more of a challenge, especially if you're retrofitting a space not designed that way from the start.

We ended up doing a open style, tiles for 1/2 of the room that functioned as a shower portion with toilet in shower for a seat when showering if needed. The room was designed from scratch from a empty room, so it was very flexible as to the design.

That is basically what I was planning for this tiny home floor plan. Keep the plumbing simple, design a shower space that can be accessed on wheels, and maybe have the toilet in a transition space.