Seven days without a post makes one weak...

in #life3 years ago (edited)

I've been upvoting and commenting, but I see I haven't written anything in a while. Time to create some content! Let's see, I have a neat cloud photo from last evening I meant to post...


We've had enough rain now that I think I can have the occasional evening bonfire again. Unfortunately, we've also had the annual change to cold nights that leave my back perpetually achy.

I am working on some drafting projects again. I need to look up more ADA codes, because part of my current project is a tiny (ish) house that maintains wheelchair accessibility. It's a challenge to include turning spaces and appliance access in a smaller footprint where so many designs focus on more... creative... solutions that rely on people being able-bodied. Once I finish the accessible plan, I intend to draw a version with more of those kinds of ideas to pack more use into the envelope. I keep hoping I can find a good way to share the PDF blueprints on the HIVE blockchain directly, or as an NFT on another chain.

Library life is proceeding. No mask or vax mandates yet. We have been able to have live music events, a craft day, and a Dungeons & Dragons adventure in person with some allowances for extra distancing.


It was time for home-made dairy-free pizza again tonight. For the sauce, I used a 14.5 oz. can of diced tomatoes with green chilis, an 8 oz. can of tomato sauce, a generous dash of garlic powder, and an even more generous dash of italian seasoning. I again used slices of Daiya "provalone" since the shreds don't result in a proper sheet of melty cheesy goodness, but I sprinkled some Daiya shreds on top as well. Toppings include hot Italian sausage, Canadian bacon, and pineapple. Pineapple goes on pizza, and that is a hill on which I will stand, fight, and die if need be.

Speaking of fighting, I plan to continue writing about firearms for survival. I have been sorting some ideas for how to best structure a short series around my opinions and current events. You'll have to take my pineapple pizza out of my cold, dead, greasy hands! So if you really want to fight me about pineapple on pizza, just assume I have an AK and leave me alone, OK?


Pineapple always on pizza, and garlic if available. Haha.

And I'm weak, I hardly post nearly monthly, it's a struggle.

Well, making a relevant reply to my post earns you a 100% upvote regardless.

Woot woot!! But was that upvote wheelchair accessible? We converted a in-law unit to be fully wheelchairable, the bathroom turned out most amazing.

Bathrooms are the most difficult area to design. 60" clear turning radius, a sink that has room to roll a chair underneath, grab bars around the toilet, and special bathing adaptations all make it more of a challenge, especially if you're retrofitting a space not designed that way from the start.

We ended up doing a open style, tiles for 1/2 of the room that functioned as a shower portion with toilet in shower for a seat when showering if needed. The room was designed from scratch from a empty room, so it was very flexible as to the design.

That is basically what I was planning for this tiny home floor plan. Keep the plumbing simple, design a shower space that can be accessed on wheels, and maybe have the toilet in a transition space.

Ha, love the post title.

Lucky you don't have the mask mandates yet. We are coming out of the other side slightly and everything is becoming more relaxed. Hopefully not a temporary thing

We had mask mandates in the past. People here are currently quite resistant to proposals to reinstate it. If there's an actual vaccine mandate as Biden's administration is now proposing, I anticipate considerable uproar.

I would think so. It should always be down to choice. I just wish there was less chaff floating around to muddy the waters on it

As a student of philosophy, history, economics, and propaganda with an apparently above-average base knowledge of fundamental scientific principles, I am utterly disgusted by the way people are using statistics to avoid rational discourse, and use so many fallacious attacks against people with whom they disagree. Political tribalism has completely displaced scientific investigation, and the media is throwing fuel on the fire instead of presenting the classic who, what, where, when, why, and how for people to discuss matters rationally. Yellow journalism is alive and well.

The people who want the vaccine can get the vaccine. Taxing me to fund its corporate creators is illegitimate regardless of its efficacy and safety. The people who want to try alternative therapies should be free to test their theories publicly. We need honest discussion of trends between similar regional populations under different regulatory burdens and a sound analysis of vaccine efficacy without the constant moving goalposts. We're now 80 weeks into "two weeks to flatten the curve," and the data seems less than conclusive regarding mask mandates and shutdowns.

Astronomers aren't demanding flat-earthers be silenced. They show how their models are wrong, how they verify their own ideas, and what would be necessary to prove them wrong. I get the same vibe from flat earthers and most mask fanatics. The difference is the mask fanatics seem to have the power to censor dissent.

Me too. I want people to be able to choose for themselves and not throw fake facts around to try and coerce others into their choices. Its a two-way street and the way society has become these days is that people shout loudly enough often get what they want.

I like the flat earth analogy as it is the same, if you think someone is wrong then show them with facts why they are. Its a highly charged nonsense these days . I saw on the twitters people celebrating vax-deniers dying and vax-deniers celebrating vaxxed people dying. It saddened me.

As a student of philosophy, history, economics, and propaganda with an apparently above-average base knowledge of fundamental scientific principles, I am utterly disgusted by the way people are using statistics to avoid rational discourse, and use so many fallacious attacks against people with whom they disagree. Political tribalism has completely displaced scientific investigation, and the media is throwing fuel on the fire instead of presenting the classic who, what, where, when, why, and how for people to discuss matters rationally. Yellow journalism is alive and well.

The people who want the vaccine can get the vaccine. Taxing me to fund its corporate creators is illegitimate regardless of its efficacy and safety. The people who want to try alternative therapies should be free to test their theories publicly. We need honest discussion of trends between similar regional populations under different regulatory burdens and a sound analysis of vaccine efficacy without the constant moving goalposts. We're now 80 weeks into "two weeks to flatten the curve," and the data seems less than conclusive regarding mask mandates and shutdowns.

Astronomers aren't demanding flat-earthers be silenced. They show how their models are wrong, how they verify their own ideas, and what would be necessary to prove them wrong. I get the same vibe from flat earthers and most mask fanatics. The difference is the mask fanatics seem to have the power to censor dissent.

If seven days makes you weak, what does two years do? I've been trying to find a way to work the writing habit back into my routine but it's a challenge. Hours are so scarce these days...

Anyway, it's nice to come back and see some familiar faces, including yours! And I'm glad things are going well at the library.

Hey, as long as you come back, it's all good. Nice to see you're still this side of the long dirt nap!